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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 62

  “Wake up baby girl!” Angela’s cheery voice came. Scarlett groaned as the curtains covering the hotel window were pulled open to reveal the bright sun that shone outside.

  “Piss off Angela, you made me stay awake so damn long, now let me sleep!” Scarlett snapped. Angela hadn't let her sleep until 4 am and she had missed Elijah dearly but Angela had caused a right scene that she wanted Scarlett to sleep with her. Elijah had begrudgingly agreed as he did have things to do and didn’t want her to get bored, also knowing being with her hyper friend she would be kept distracted and not spend too much time thinking about the following day. It had worked, Angela had gone on and on about her clothes, her future mate, how she was going to demand he mark her there and then and on top of that making her watch movies whilst they talked.

  Angela now turned to Scarlett frowning. “Listen here! It's past 12! Elijah’s text you several times. He even came to see you before he left for a meeting, I told him you were still asleep!”

  “I missed him?!” Scarlett said, now jolting up and glaring at her friend. “This is your damn fault! I at least wanted to see him once…before tonight…”

  “Oh honey, the way that man looks at you I don’t think you need to worry about anyone taking him from you.” Angela grumbled. “Now, we have an appointment at the salon at 5 so how about we get lunch, do a bit of sightseeing and then head there. I’ve chosen how I want my nails…” She carried on talking as she left the room going into the adjoining bathroom.

  Scarlett simply groaned, zoning her out and picked up her phone to see Elijah had indeed sent 4 messages. Unlocking her phone she pushed back the duvet and looked at the messages.

  ‘Hey Kitten, awake yet?’

  ‘If you’re up by 10 we could maybe catch breakfast?’

  ‘Sleeping without you was fucking hard.’

  ‘I love you, seems you’re still sleeping, which is great because them I get to keep you up tonight. I’m heading to my meeting now, I’ll see you at the ceremony.’

  Her heart skipped a beat, wishing she had got to have breakfast with him. This was all Angela’s fault… She pouted in disappointment before sending him a text back.

  ‘Afternoon handsome, sorry Angela did my head in until 4 am! I’ll miss you today and I can’t wait to see you tonight Xx’

  She stared at his message. ‘I love you.’ He said the words to her several times but she hadn't said them back. She did love him, truly, madly and deeply. She would tell him tonight if he chose her… Although she believed he would, she still doubted it at times. Tonight could be a dream or a devastating nightmare, but either way, she was going to be that beautiful goddess who would turn heads. With a deep breath, she got out of bed ready to get started with their day…


  It was later in the day and Scarlett’s nerves were making her extremely jittery. She was alarmingly quiet even when they were at the salon starting with their nails, she chose what she wanted distractedly, her hands shaking from the nerves. She had never been so nervous in her life, not even bothered when Fiona stepped into the same salon. She didn’t even notice the brunette watching her intensely.

  “Is this length, ok?” The woman asked making Scarlett blink, she nodded after a quick glance and fell quiet again.

  “Scarlett?” Angela said, concern now clear in her voice. She reached over tapping her friends shoulder with her free hand.

  “Hmm?” Scarlett said looking at her friend, Angela frowned.

  “Are you ok?” She asked concerned. Scarlett nodded despite the obvious tremble in her hands. “You can talk about it…”

  “I’m scared.” Scarlett whispered quietly, so her friend could just about hear over the music that was playing in the background. The nail technician glanced at the women mumbling wondering how they were even able to hear each other but said nothing returning to her job.

  “Oh, babe…” Angela said, her heart breaking for her friend. She had never heard those words come out of Scarlett’s mouth before. “Maybe neither of you will meet your mate today.”

  “That’s scary too, the ‘what if’ will remain.” Scarlett said watching the woman paint her nails.

  “Believe in him.” Angela said softly, for once she was serious - praying that her friends’ heart was not broken tonight. Scarlett simply nodded but it did nothing to ease the emotions within her. “I mean worst case scenario- lock him in a room every blood moon, no chance to meet his mate!” She added trying to cheer Scarlett up, Scarlett gave a weak smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

  Once her nails were done, they went on to get their hair and make-up done. She knew what she wanted and told them before getting distracted by her thoughts once again. Angela kept checking both hers and Scarlett’s makeup and hair not caring that the stylists were getting a little annoyed.

  “All done.” The woman who was working on Scarlett said, turning her chair towards the mirror. Scarlett looked in the mirror, the woman before her was still her, yet she looked ten times more beautiful. The make-up accentuated her cheekbones, making her eyes look alluring with a smoky look, with some natural yet enhancing false eyelashes. Her lips had red matt lipstick and highlighter dusted her cheeks.

  The woman had done an amazing job of covering the ugly mark on her neck too. She had asked Scarlett what had happened, she had said it was an animal attack. The woman didn’t really seem to have believed her but hadn't said anything else.

  “Would you like some gloss?” The woman asked. Scarlett shook her head as she admired her hair which was pulled back into a bun, a few strands left to frame her face.


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