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Her Freezing Heart novel Chapter 39

“Fine then.” She said taking a seat on a pouf. Dad sat beside her on a similar poof. Where did it come from though? I don’t remember seeing it there. “The spirit walkers are very powerful beings. We are practically human before we come of age. That is at the age of eighteen. When the last known spirit walker was being hunted for her powers, she decided to go into hiding. Her mate had already cheated on her so she didn’t had anyone to go back to. She went into hiding for around thousand years.

When she came out of hiding, the world had forgotten about the spirit walkers and as she never mated to anyone, their was no heir, keeping her alive all these years. While roaming the world she met the wolf spirits. The protectors of the forest. They were dying out though. She helped them by restoring their health. She also helped around the village that was living near the woods. They knew her as the spirit goddess.

Her ex mate was a demon. When he came to know about her powers, he became greedy and wanted her back. He was still keeping an eye out for her. He found her in the woods but he couldn’t see the spirits. When the time to protect their protector came, the wolf spirits decided to merge with the strong males of the settlement, leaving one behind to reproduce the lost number. Her magic helped them to merge without complication and the shifters were born.

The demons weren’t expecting that and they lost. Every single one of them were slaughtered to keep the secret. She killed her demon mate with the help of the Alpha spirit. She stayed there till the spirit wolves had multiplied and the shifters were without threat. While roaming the world she found her second chance. A warlock. They mated and the second Spirit Walker was born. Their third born daughter. The first two sons were warlocks.

She trained her in secret. She told everyone that their daughter had died during birth. The daughter was forbidden to tell anyone about her heritage. When she was sixteen, she found her mate, a vampire lord. He was cruel and a man whore.” Mom had a very bitter expression on her face. “He didn’t want a human mate so he cheated on her. She heard him talking to one of his ministers about spirit walker. She knew then, she shouldn’t stay there. She ran away with the help of a vampire princess, Elizabeth Astely.”

Steven gasped. Cassidy and Austin were looking at mom with wide disbelieving eyes.

“The princess was already married to her mate then. She also had a boy. He was a teen at that time.” Mom continued. “Elizabeth helped her hide in a coven of her friend in Britain. The coven didn’t knew about her hiding there other than the leaders. The monster annihilated Elizabeth’s coven for hiding the spirit walker but he didn’t knew it was his own mate. The spirit walker helped Elizabeth’s son to escape and removed his memories of her on Elizabeth’s last request.”

Steven’s hold on me had tightened painfully.

“Her ex mate didn’t stop their. He destroyed Elizabeth’s friend’s coven as well. Till then they had moved the Spirit Wlker somewhere else. With them gone, nobody knew about the spirit walker’s identity. The trail was lost. She met her second chance after more than two hundred years. A human. She was becoming a human after mating with him. They had a son but there were a couple complications in the pregnancy and she couldn’t give birth anymore as her healing was reduced to bare minimum.

She knew a spirit walker is always a female. Baffled with the events she contacted her mother in the spirit realm. The mother explained to her about the soul splitting. Two months later she met her heir. The unwanted child of her husband’s younger brother. My ex mate is still searching for the spirit walker. The same vampire you guys are talking about, Vincent Clifford.” Mom finished looking at me.

No one moved or talked in the room. I can tell everyone was beyond shocked. Steven, Austin and Cassidy must be hating me after hearing all this. Because of a spirit walker two boys lost their parents and an entire coven was killed. Cassidy lost her best friend. Will they treat me the same after knowing this? Their grief is because of my mother. Because of my kind.

“Why does he want a spirit walker?” Leo asked breaking the silence.

“Mating with a spirit walker gives you a certain protection and power. The mate can’t be killed unless the spirit walker dies which is a very hard task after she had attained her full power. That is come of age. The mate heals with an immense speed. Their present abilities enhances ten folds. The spirit walker on the other hand evolves to what her mate is. Just like I became a human completely after Amara came of age. I still have my powers but my durability is of a human. In short if the mate already has enhanced abilities then after mating with the spirit walker it will sky rocket. That bastard will be invincible.” She said gritting her teeth.

Steven growled behind me and buried his nose in the crook of my neck.

“But she is already mated.” Cassidy said.

“He doesn’t know that.” Mom said smirking. “We can hide the marks on their necks for now. We will let him think that she isn’t marked yet. He won’t be able to kill Steven anyways. We spirit walkers destroy anything and anyone who hurts our mate or our loved ones.” Mom said smugly.

“Every mate is like that.” Carter said confused.

Chapter 39- Amara 1


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