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Her Majesty novel Chapter 13

I followed the direction of the voice, but the sight was not very good, only see a vague of a couple has been embracing and kissing each other. And the woman has obviously been immersed in it, with ambiguous moan coming out.

I looked around at the other couples, some of whom were obviously infected. None of them were doing anything serious, but they were starting to behave badly.

Abby and I were very embarrassed sitting in the middle. I am a little better, Abby had never experienced such a thing, she grasped my hand tightly, closed her eyes on the chair. I did not know what’s in her mind.

"Abby..." I called out to her.

"Yes..." Abby issued a moan like voice of mosquito, with a little flush on the face.

To tell the truth, I was a little infected by the atmosphere and became restless, plus Abby made a moan sound, I almost stand my own inner impulse.

I reached out and pulled up the back of the head of Abby, Abby looked at me. Her hand suddenly mercilessly clenched my hand, unexpectedly she slowly closed her eyes.

If I did not understand what her meaning was, I was really a retarded. I can no longer restrain the impulse of the body, I hold the back of the head of Abby, stood up a little bit, fiercely kissed on Abby’s lips.

Abby moaned. Maybe I kissed her too hard and made her in pain. A burst of virgin fragrance came straight to my brain, let me almost out of control. I mercilessly wreak havoc on her soft tongue, now I just wanted more!

Abby had no experience of kissing. She pushed against me, tightly holding my clothes. She may not be able to stand my kiss, her mouth kept purring sound, until I sucked the last breath of air in her mouth. I also almost can stand it, so I stopped the kiss.

Abby gasped, her lips were obviously a little red. Her breast kept moving ups and downs. Because of the kiss, Abby's clothes were a little messy, I can just see her breast from the side. It made my sex impulse become stronger.

If it weren't in the cinema, I'd probably just have sex with her.

"Justin, you will be good to me?" Abby rested on me after being calm.

After hearing the question of Abby, I have a kind of inarticulate feeling. Do I really like Abby? I did not know. Since Grace left, I felt that I did not believe in love, now for Abby’s question, I did not know how to answer.

It was so comforting just to see her snuggling up to me, and I didn't want to hurt this simple, pure girl, but I really couldn't make a commitment to her right now.

Abby left my shoulder after I did not speak for a long time. Her body was shaking badly, with faint sobbing voice.

At that moment, I felt my heart actually was in pain, but how should I do? Amanda, Emma, how was I going to deal with these women? My sister's operation cost, hatred to Housin, all these pressures were on me. For Abby, I really did not know what to do.

After crying for a while, Abby said, "Ok, Justin, I know it. I am very happy to be with you today. Thank you for your kiss. She grabber her bag and was about to leave.


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