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Her Majesty novel Chapter 20

"You?" Amanda rolled her eyes, but obviously she had a better mood.

"That's right!" I held Amanda and comforted her. I did not know why, after listening to Amanda's words, I felt a little sad, like a jealous feeling. I cannot explain it. I felt upset after Amanda said there was such a man and I was his double.

"Forget it, Justin, I know who you are. Anyway thank you for listening to me, but you'd better forget them. If you dare to gossip in the company, I will not forgive you! Amanda pushed me away, restore her cold face, letting me have a little illusion for a moment. The crying woman in my arms now was a strong woman.

“You don't believe me?” I had no choice but sprawled, and I said, “Who is better between he and I?" When I asked, I had a sense of contrast in my heart, trying to subside over the man.

Amanda froze all of a sudden after listening to my words, and said in disdain, “You? Much worse than he. He is now successful. Although he is not in our city, he has good reputation. You want to compare with him? Come on!"

I was angry after listening to Amanda’s words, and said, “So what, he still be abandoned you. I'm here with you now, but I'm poor."

"Justin, I will kill you!" Amanda immediately took a pillow and then threw it at me, maybe she was angry. I realized I should not say that out. I just coaxed her, now she was angry again, but I was angry by her words. He was just a successful man. What a big deal!

I took the pillow and instantly jumped on Amanda, put her under my body, and said, “I may not be as good as he in some aspects, but in bed, I will soon let you experience the difference between me and him!"

"Justin, what do you want to do?” Amanda was in panic. Although she tempted me many times before, but in fact she controlled it well. Looking at me now like this, she may be in panic.

"What am I wanna do? Do you!" I grabbed her lips, put my tongue in for more, but unexpectedly at a draught Amanda bit me. I felt in pain. I wanted to stick my tongue in, but Amanda bit so hard. If I move a bit, she forced a bit.

I glanced at the expression of Amanda, It completely different from the seductive temptation before, it was more like a little girl to protect her chastity. Her expression suddenly quench my desire and anger, but I felt upset that Amanda had been touted the man, plus Amanda always have intention to dally with me, I felt wrong and wanted to prove yourself, so I was impulse.

“I'm not moving!” My tongue was bitten, I mumbled out these words. I did not know whether she understood, only to see her eyes move, loosen her teeth, I quickly pulled out my tongue. I felt fishy sweet in mouth, it was obviously bloody.

"Men, indeed as expected, are all the same!" Amanda sat far away from me on the sofa.

"You're always saying nice things about your ex-boyfriend!" I said angrily, covering my mouth.

"Oh, you are jealous!" Amanda smiled and said, “You are trying to prove from the side that you are stronger than him?"


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