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Her Majesty novel Chapter 51

This was the second time I have come to Mayor Chang's study. As soon as I walked in here, I felt extremely depressed.

I had been standing here for nearly half an hour. When I came in, Mayor Chang was writing Chinese characters with brush. He had written more than a dozen papers of silent characters, and it seemed that he would throw them away if he was not satisfied with them.

He hadn't said a word to me since I came in. He hasn't even looked right at me. I knew he must be angry now. I was like punished to stand there.

Finally Mayor Chang finished a word, took a look, and finally showed a satisfied smile.

He asked me without raising his head, “Has the matter related to demolition finished?"

I hastened to say, “Well, godfather, the last household has signed the contract and his house has been bulldozed.”

Mayor Chang raised his head to see me and said, “Tell me how you did today."

I became nervous and whispered with suppressed breath, "Well, Adam Wong was instructed by John Jiang to make things difficult for us on purpose. He not only wounded our men, but also gathered a group of gangsters waiting for us there. Officer Xu was on their side. He came there as soon as they lose. We..."

"Bastards” Mayor Chang was suddenly angry. He threw away the brush, staring straight at me coldly, “You made a mistake, but now you want to pass the buck. What is wrong with the police? What he did was right. I told you many times that I don't want to see any more bloodshed. What did you do today? Why don't you call me first when you know it? Do you still have me in your eyes?”

Mayor Chang suddenly patted on the table. I was shocked, and apologized immediately, “Godfather, please calm down. I know I was wrong. It was my fault. I promise, I will report anything to you in the next time!

"Next time? Do you dare do it again?" Mayor Chang suddenly rushed from behind the table and stood in front of me. His finger nearly poked in my face. He was very angry.

I lowered my head and looked at my toes like a pupil doing something wrong.

Mayor Chang scolded me for a while and finally got rid of his anger and sat down in his chair.

I took the opportunity to pick up the teacup on the table, gave it to him and whispered, “Godfather, don’t be angry."

Mayor Chang looked at me, took a sip from his teacup, and then asked, "Do you have any evidence that John ordered this?"

"Adam Wong told me." I said quickly.

"Oh, where is Adam Wong? When can you bring him to see me?" Mayor Chang continued.

I was embarrassed and said, “He, he bought a train ticket to leave S city at noon today."

"Bastards!” Mayor Chang lost his temper again and slapped the teacup down on the table.

I looked at him carefully, not knowing what I had done wrong.

Mayor Chang said to me with a look of hatred, “You are still too young. Why should you let such an important man go? You should keep this man by your side. He may be of great use later on."

Yes, Mayor Chang just asked for evidence, and Adam Wong was the witness. He wanted to testify that John was obstructing the development zone. That was enough for John.

Chapter 51 Rage and Fury 1


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