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Her possessive alpha novel Chapter 69


  “Would you like to dance with me?”

  Of course, she wanted to dance with him, she wanted that more than anything in the world at this moment, all she wanted was to be as close to him as she could, because she knew that their time together was soon drawing to an end.

  Her expression gave him the answer as he took her hand and led her back into the hall, slow music was now being played by the orchestra and couples were in two’s dancing slowly to the rhythm. They both walked until they reached the center and Lucas wrapped both his hands around her waist, looking into her eyes as Ava circled her two hands to rest on his shoulders, the mask he wore did nothing to shield the longing she saw in his eyes, but what was he longing for?

  The both of them kept on moving slowly together to the soft rhythm, even when the music stopped, they didn’t move away from that position still holding each other’s gaze even though they’d stopped dancing, all eyes were now back on them but now the only difference was that Ava didn’t care anymore, the only thing, the only one she cared about now was the man standing in front of her, the man she was dancing with.

  “Let’s go someplace else,” he mumbled, probably realizing later that the music had stopped. He didn’t wait for an answer before gripping her hand and leading her to the exit. Before she left, her eyes caught in the direction of her betrothed, Ray, wearing a tux, holding a glass of champagne and standing in a corner with Ethan by his side. He was looking at her and Lucas but by his expression, you could tell that he was completely clueless as to who she was, but Ethan, Ethan’s face held that of great suspicion in their direction.


  “You never told me you played the piano, I thought you were only skilled with the guitar.”

  Lucas chuckled. “My parents were music lovers before they died, they saw to it that I had at least one instrument in check before they passed on.”

  “So, which did you choose first?”

  “The piano, and then the guitar.”

  “Why if I may ask?”

  “I don’t understand what you’re asking.”


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