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Her Revenge Returns (Lea and Alfred) novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11 

An hour later. Lea’s car stopped before Lake Villa 

Due to the heavy rain, the sky was already dark, even at seven o’clock, shrouded in twilight and gloom

Lea got out of the car and walked to the iron gate, drenched in rain, and reached out to press the doorbell

After a moment, the door opened, and Eddie came to the entrance holding an umbrella. Seeing her appearance, he was taken aback and quickly held the umbrella over her

Mr. Alfredin’t here. We also have to leave for some businesses. Let me take you to the hotel. He’ll come for you when he’s done,said Eddie

Lea stood still, silent

Eddie handed the umbrella to her and soon drove the car over and invited her in

The car left the villa, moving forward. Rain droplets pattered on the leaves along the shaded road 

sed a firm resolve

Eddie, stop the car.” Lea’s tone was calm but carried

Eddie pondered, Why did this girl have the same compelling aura as Alfred?He forced a smile. Miss Lea, the hotel is just ahead” 

If you leave, can Craig alone protect Mr. Alfred well? Lea asked

Eddie’s hand slipped, and the car swerved, pulling up at the roadside abruptly

His voice trembled. Wwhat do you mean?” 

Assassins, right?said Lea 

Howhow do you know?” asked Eddie in terror

I investigated. He is here.If it weren’t a matter of life and death, he wouldn’t avoid seeing her

There are infrared defense devices installed at the villa gate, the kind used by some presidents in other countries,” said Eddie

In her previous life, after realizing her dire situation, she escaped and encountered the severely injured Alfred by the roadside, finding him wounded from an assassination attempt

It happened just a few hours later

That was why she intentionally left the Berry family to come here

Miss Lea, yougot it wrongEddie said, thinking to himself. How could a liule girl like her know that?’ 

I work in artificial intelligence,said Lea

Eddie fell silent upon hearing her words 

After Christian’s birthday party yesterday, they had already investigated her, and coupled with the hospital’s examination report, he knew she was telling the truth

Eddie.Lea spoke softly but firmly. Mr. Alfred was the first person in this world to care about me.” 

Lea thought. The one who cared most about me and the one I care about the mou 

She added, I won’t allow anything to happen to him” 

Eddie turned sharply to look at her. She looked even younger than her age, her small face swollen from wounds, and her wet hair clung to her face, appearing frail and disheveled. But she possessed an unbreakable determination

He suddenly realized that the bond between her and Alfred was far deeper and heavier than he had perceived

The rain outside the car grew heavier, and the sky darkened rapidly

Two hours later, in the villa’s study, Alfred sat in front of his computer, his gaze fixed on the work documents on the screen, his expression focused. The blue light from the screen reflected in his jetblack eyes, glowing lingluly

Chapter II 

The room was silent, breaths audible

Outside the floortoceiling window, raindrops pattered on the leaves, creating a disquieting rhythm

Shadows danced under the lamplight

With a click the power went out, and the room plunged into darkness, pitch black

He hated having his work interrupted, so he stood up in the dark and walked out to the living room

Craig, check the circuit and restart the power,” said Alfred 

Yes, Mr. AlfredCraig, who had been playing a mobile game on the sofa, headed to the stairwell

Alfred stood by the floortoceiling window, waiting for the power to return, his silhouette outlined by the night outside the glass

Suddenly, a shadow fell, swallowing his reflection. He felt a chill at the back of his neck

BangHe collapsed heavily to the ground

Mr. Alfred, Mr. Alfred Craiz exclaimed

In the stairwell, Craig called out, receiving no response. A shadow pounced on him as he emerged, knocking him down the stairs. Followed by the sound of a body hitting the floor

Then someon 

someone tumbled down the stairs, landing in the living 

With a snap, the power came back on, and all the lights lit up illuminating the villa lake daylight

Lea pushed open the door, seeing three people lying scattered on the floor. She turned and saw the man standing by the window

Alfred!As she called out, her body swayed, dizziness overtaking her, and she was about to fall

Hold your breath Alfred urgently reminded her

The air contained a mist that could cause unconsciousness upon inhalation

He’s okay. Thank goodness! Lea held her breath, tears welling up as she ran toward him

Just as she reached the window, she heard a bangand fell into his arms, clutching him tightly

CrashGlass shattered, shards flying everywhere. A bullet pierced her shoulder, splanering blood on his face

Lea!Alfred cried out 

A shadow leaped in through the broken window, a knife glearning in the dim light, aiming straight for him 

Mr. AlfredCraig shouted, getting up, but his foot was grabbed by the assailant he had knocked down earlier

Though affected by the drug, these assassins were no ordinary people and weren’t fully unconscious 

As the knife was about to stab into his chest, Alfred raised his hand, grabbing the knife and pushing Lea away, kicking the assailant in the stomach The man tumbled out

Lea fell to the ground, looking up to see Alfred lighting the assassin, his eyes bloodshot, face contorted, seemingly impervious to pain

She was terrified

This frenzied, berserk Alfred was irrational, like a killing machine

The two wrestled on the floor. He seized the knife from the assassin and slashed at his neck, blood splattering his face

He suddenly collapsed, convulsing 

The assassin, still alive, drew a gun from his waistband, aiming at him


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