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Her Revenge Returns (Lea and Alfred) novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43 

The equipment here is old and can’t keep up anymore, Lorrand said. Tvr talked with 


Wessen about raising money to buy new stuff – 

No worries, Lea replied. Just make a list, and I’ll figure out the funding,” She was after rapid growth Counting on the hospital’s profits was too slow, so she’d have to find another way

Also, Ms. Foster is on it, buying machines mostly from abroad. Once we finish the renovations at the headquarters, everything should be in place” 

she added

Lorrand looked pleasantly surprised as they walked il 

through the corridor into the inpatient department 

We’ve been slammed with seriously ill patients recently, and the inpatient department is bursting at the seams. We’re working on a fox,he noted: Standing in the glass corridor, Lea looked at the old, low buildings behind them. Once the headquarters renovation is done, we’ll move the patients there. Then, we’ll tear down these old buildings and build towers over 20 stories high,” Lea explained

Lorrand looked at Lea, unerly astonished. Despite her youthful look and being a high school senior, shar commanded the space like a seasoned leader

Don’t fuss over the money. I’ll hook you up with some parents later that you can sell off. And if there are any highticket surgeries, help me out with those she continued

status, the pressure was on, and she didn’t want him 

What Alfred had set up was merely a start, for from what she envisioned. Gaven Alfred’s sta worrying over her anymore

Lorrand was left speechless, but he couldn’t help but nod, feeling a surge of excitement

The drugs Lea introduced promised big dreams, yet now, she painted a picture even they hadn’t dareil to imagine

Chatting along, they reached the end of the corridor where a door was ajar, and a small figure stumbled out, bumping into Lea and collapsing 

Quick as a flash, Lea swooped down to help the child

The little one looked up and blurted out. Mom

Lea froze, feeling like she’d been hit with a ton of bricks by that mom.” 

AnnaA nurse, pushing sixty, hurried over, shocked to see them. Mr. Phoenix, your wife looks so young!” 

Lorrand rushed over to scoop up the little girl, who happened to be his daughter, and he quickly clarified, She’s not my wife,” 

as the hospital boss was still on the downlow, so Lorrand kept quiet

Lea’s secret as 

Sorry about that. Anna called you Mommy, so I just figured. Plus, you’re practically a kid yourself, the nurse apologized


She’d been working at the hospital forever and came out of retirement to help Lorrand with his daughter, knowing how busy he was as a surgeon

Seeing Lea so composed and stern, Lorrand felt his heart skip a bear and suggested the nurse take a break

“Miss Berry, I apologize. Anna is still working on her memory and recognizing faces,he explained 

Anna, with those big, round eyes, was beaming at Lea

Even though they hadn’t seen each other in less than half a month, the kid still remembered Lea and called her Momlike before

Lea kept her cool, shrugged it off, and shook her head 

sking to be picked up

Next thing she knew, Anna was rushing into her arms, asking to 

Lea was taken aback, but Anda was already in her arms, so she went with it

And once she had her, Anna snuggled in close, peppering her face with kisses

Lea looked closely at the little girl and saw that the new medication was working wonders, Anna look and her skin looked better. She was a bit chubby now, really cute

cooked much healthier, load gamed some weight

uicklyHis eyes were 

realark red and 

a bat beary

Tuilt if awe 

She’s already learning to walk,Lorrand said. She’s talking a lot and picking things up quickly and gratitude 

If it weren’t for Lea, Antuu wouldn’t be doing

15:11 PM 

Chapter 48 

Lea nodded but felt uneasy because her own child hadn’t had this chance

She quickly pushed those thoughts away, not wanting to think about it

Where’s Anna’s mom Lea asked. The fact that Anna called Lea momtwice made it clear she missed her real mom. It was a cruel separation to think about

My wife passed away when Anna was three months old, Lorrand said sadly. Anna didn’t get to see her one last time.” 

Lea frowned. Did she die at Fraley Hospital?” 

He nodded 


o you know why?Lea asked

Lorrand sighed deeply. My being locked up really fucked her up. She was already in poor health, staying at the hospital during her pregnancy. She bled out during childbirth complications followed” 

Tears welled up in his eyes, and his face showed both suspicion and resentment


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