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Her Second Marriage, Being Mr. Moore's New Wife novel Chapter 627

It was time to get off work.

Alice packed up things, and was ready to go downstairs to the canteen, but see a man standing at the door with a smile.

"Off work now?”

Seeing Manfred, Alice just thought of her appointment with him.

She looked at him awkwardly, perhaps because she had forgotten the dinner invitation in her wildest thoughts.

"Yes." Alice nodded.

Naturally, Manfred turned and walked out. After a few steps, Alice did not follow, so he looked back at her, "Still not going?"

"Ok" Alice had to hurry up.

Two people got into the elevator, Alice kept distance with Manfred, even when they were downstairs.

Manfred did not say anything, but opened the door for her. Alice hesitated for a moment and said, "Do you want to go very far? There's a restaurant around here, or shall we eat there?"

Hearing that, Manfred smiled and said softly, "Although lunch is not as important as breakfast, you should not have such a casual attitude. You have lost so much weight in the past five years.You must have not eaten well.”

Alice, "..."

"Come on, I have a reservation. It would be a pity not to go."

Obviously it was pressure, she had no reason not to get in the car.

When she got on the car, Manfred even bent down to fasten her seat belt. Alice's face changed slightly and she hurriedly said, "I'll do it myself."

Manfred did not force her, but smiled slightly, "Ok."

Then he went around to the other side and got into the driver's seat.

Sitting in the car, Alice felt her mood complicated. From time to time, Manfred talked to her.

Alice looked at the time and asked, "Is it far away?"

Manfred did not answer, but turned a corner and said, "Here we are."

Alice was stunned.

"I'll take the car to the parking lot, where the air quality is not very good. You get out of the car and wait for me inside."

"Ok." Alice agreed, and then first got off and walked into the restaurant, waiting for him.

About three minutes later, Manfred came back, carrying his car keys in his hand. "Go in."

Manfred seemed to be a regular customer here, as he walked in, the waiter came to guide him forward immediately. Two people walked behind the waiter, Alice subconsciously wanted to keep a distance with Manfred, and he had slowed down in parallel with her, which made Alice awkward.

After entering the box, Manfred said with a slight smile, "All these years abroad, you must have eaten Western food? Will you get used to that I treat you to have Chinese food suddenly?"

Hearing that, Alice shook her head, "No, in fact, I eat Chinese food more."

"I know." Manfred could not help but laugh, "You prefer Chinese food and have no desire for western food."

Alice lifted eyes to see him and said nothing.

The waiter said with a smile, "It is my first time to see you take your girlfriend here."

Manfred smiled and did not deny.

But Alice wrinkled her eyebrow, looked at hat the waiter, displeased, "sorry, I am not his girlfriend."

The waiter froze and looked at Manfred, embarrassed.


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