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Her Soul and His Blood novel Chapter 16

She went downstairs. Her mom is cooking in the kitchen. She went beside her.

" yes sweetie what do you want?"

" mom, I wanted to ask you something"

" No permission to go with your boy friend today. Because I can see you upset."

" no mom, not that. Something related to our ancestry."

" the what?" Mrs.Christi turn off the stove and looked back at Zella.

" mom, what do you know about this necklace and how is it related to our ancestors."

" this necklace was given to you by your old grandmother as a gift when you were born. Thats it." Her face turned red.

With a low voice Zella said " but mom, there is something with this necklace. I can see the future mom."

" stop saying crap kid. I have no time to play with you. Go and read something."

" believe me mom, I told you the truth."

" Don't act like your grandmother."

" I wanted to see her."

"You are not going to see that old lady with lot of secrets and craps to say."she pushed Zella away and warned her.

" if you speak anything like that, I'm going to throw you out of this house. I know this could happen thats the reason why I made you stay away from her."

" grandma didn't do anything mom."

"She acted weird and now you are acting weird. She use to hallucinate everyday and say things which wont even happen in this world. She use to think you are special and you have some kind of super power. Look Zella grandma was crazy and lived with her myths. And if you do like her then you will end up like her, all alone and ignored."


" I told you to go to your room and study for your exams. You got me?"

Zella rolled her eyes and went back to her room stamping on the floors while climbing the stairs and banging the doors of her room.

" grandma where are you? I need you. You are the only one who can tell me everything."

Zella couldn't sleep that day. She had many nightmares. She had lot of questions without any answers. The Answers she was searching for could be answered by the one she is prohibited to see.

Days passed. Lance didn't  show up in class after that incidence. Zella was scared not to see Lance for days. Eli and Percy told Zella that she is acting different and gloomy all these days.

" why are you behaving like this. Why are friends for. Tell us what is making you upset."

" nothing. Im alright"

Zella left the class and went to Lance's house. She rang the door bell. Merlin opened the door.


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