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Her Soul and His Blood novel Chapter 23

His laugh echoed through the entire room.He didn't sound cruel,but then again,worst kind of cruelty come in the guise of kindness.

Mr.Peterson is the leader of the gang. Maybe it was his instinct for cruelty that made the others respect him...or fear him. They knew that if they didn't do what was expected they'd end up dead or worst than that. Mr.Peterson ruled with an iron fist, whatever he said went. And there was no leaving the vampire gang, the gang was for life - however short that turned out to be. That's the kind of leader he was, no morals, no conscience, no compassion. He was the king of all he surveyed and none dared question his orders.

"Zella, Do you think that I will allow you to go and save your brother and take that nevklace with you." He said in a deep and sharp voice.

"What do you mean Mr.Peterson?"she asked in a brittle voice.

"What do I mean, you wanted to know."he said with a scornful voice. "This is all my plan, this is my kingdom,and I rule this kingdom." His grating sound started ringing in her ears.

"Zella,I will tell you a story.A story which happened 200 years ago." He sat on a chair keeping his leg upon the other,straightening his posture and chin up,with a smoking pipe on his right hand.Zella stared at him like a lost puppy staring at the stranger.He started his story.


It was a time when vampires ruled the world. During that period vampires was not hiding around and feeding secretly.It was not the time when people thought vampire was a mythical creature because every night humans were scared to live due to vampire attacks.They saw our powers and our thirst,feeding on their loved ones and leaving their lifeless body.

We enjoyed the fear on their face and it was our greatest strength.All of us,all the vampires were ruled by the king,Lord Augustin Elseveir, he was the most cruelest vampire known or I made him to be known that way.

I was his loyal friend,Mr.Peterson,I was like his right hand.I used his name to do most cruelest of cruelest things.He made a rule that we should only feed on the humans who do the most evil crime and not any innocent souls. But it was beyond my thoughts,how can someone go in search of a person who do crimes and who is innocent.It is foolishness but I kept quiet and acted loyal.

I and my serfs fed on whomever we wanted behind the curtain.The Lord trusted me and believed me and I made use of it.

I was attacking a village,I was feeding on a pregnant lady that night and my serfs on the other villagers.That lady begged me for her life.

Chapter 23: 23 the past 1

Chapter 23: 23 the past 2


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