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Her Soul and His Blood novel Chapter 7

Zella was excited " Off-course, I will be coming."

Eli and percy was waiting for Zella.

" So how was your combined assignment? " percy asked zella with a grin.

" It was nice. We submitted it." Zella replied.

" We cant find any excitement in you." Eli asked suspiciously.

" Nothing like that. The topic was boring. By the way what about the party tonight." Zella said.

" we gonna rock it" said Eli and Percy joyously.

They greeted each other and left back home while leaving the school Zella saw Lance staring at her.But Lance was wearing something different from what he was wearing before. She got scared by thinking those words said by Lance in library.

She thought ' why did Lance changed his dress while leaving the school ? From where will he change his clothes. Is there something wrong with him. He behaved so strangely today.'

She walked towards him but he went away.

Zella left the school and she was alone today. Walking alone back to home and passing the dark forest gave Zella goosebumps.

She went through the road, kicking whatever she can find in her way. Suddenly she stepped into a big rock and rolled down. She got up from the ground and realized that beside her is the dark forest. She started breathing heavily,sweats were drooling over her face

Her eyes became blurred and for a moment


she was inside the forest, the sky turned dark and there were stars in the sky. She turned around and shocked to see that it became night so soon. She was near a camp fire and there were so many people surrounding her.Musics banged her ear and she found Eli and Percy making out in a corner of the forest holding themselves close together. There was some party going on in the forest. She saw Lance taking her and walking through the forest... " if that was me then whom am I"


Suddenly she came back to the road gasping for breathe and the whole situation changed and she is back in the side of road near the forest and its still evening.

" Whats happening to me? What did I see now? Am I started to hallucinate about todays party. Whats wrong with me?" She sighed. Then she took her bag and walked through the lane. She entered her room. Stretched her body and leaned back to the bed.

She went downstairs and for her surprise Mr christi was there.

" its nice to meet you dad" she said pleasantly."how is Zad ?"

"Hm..hm.." he shook his head while having tea. "He is fine dear."

" Whats up buddy? So energetic today." Said Mr christi.

" Mom,dad I need both your permission" said Zella.

" for what?" Mom raised her question.

"Well, tony my classmate has arranged a party tonight and I wanted to attend it. And its my first party in this town.I can make friends."

"Noooo" a shrieked voice came and it was Zad. He was coughing and even was able to walk barely.

" dad... mom... please" she pleaded.

" ok. You can go but there are rules." Mr christi said seriously.

" yes dad, what is it?" Zella asked anxiously.

" rule number 1,should be back before 12, number 2, no drinks because you are still a kid,number 3,don't roam around alone." He said pointed his fingers into numbers.

" yes dad. All rules agreed." She said.

" so where is the party?" Mrs christi interrupted.

" ugh.. in the dark forest" she turned away and walk into her room and called out " im getting ready."

Mrs christi rolled her eyes.

It was night. Zella got ready for the party. She was wearing a red party dress with huge round ring and obviously her necklace.she step into her heels and was ready to go.

She came downstairs greeted her mom, her dad was out.

"You look amazing baby." Mrs Christi hugged her.

"Thank you mom" she gave her a bear hug.

" dont forget what dad told you." She tapped her nose.

" yes mom"

She booked a cab and went to the party.


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