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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 116

Brian pulled his already messy hair, feeling very upset. Why did he drink so much wine? Why did he lose control of himself and do such a thing after drinking?

Who was she? She was Penny, the person he hated the most. Why did he just sleep with her?

Looking at the clothes, underwear, underpants and tissues scattered on the ground, it was difficult for Brian to deny what had happened.

On workdays, Winnie deliberately dodged Brian in fear that she would accidentally expose her emotion. It seemed that Brian also dodged her. In short, they worked on the same floor, but they hadn't met for several days.

These days, Brian had been trying to figure out a way to deal with Penny. He had to handle this matter well before he seen Winnie.

In the evening, Brian drove home. Knowing that Brian was back, Penny was excited and cooked a lot of delicious dishes. However, Brian felt it disgusting to see Penny and was not in the mood to eat.

He asked all housemaids to go out, leaving only him and Penny in the living room.

"Let's put an end to what happened that day. Tell me what compensation you want."

Brian said coldly, showing no affection. There was obvious distaste on his face.

"Brian, I've said that I'll be responsible for it myself and that I don't want any compensation. Just let it go and don't mention it again."

Penny said in a seemingly natural and tactful way, but she didn't feel that way.

It made her heart ache to see distaste look on Brian's face and hear the tone that was hurtful. But she couldn't show it because she didn't want Brian to hate her more.

"I can't let it go. So far, I don't know if I really slept with you. You're the only person who knows the fact. Since you said that I did, I have to deal with it. Whether you want 10 million dollars or 100 million dollars, just tell me. After you receive the money, don't mention it to anyone and forget what had happened that day."

Brian said coldly and maliciously. Until now, he couldn't remember what he had done that day. Therefore, he wanted Penny to forget it completely, too.

"Brian, you know that I don't need money. You can deal with other women with money, but I'm different from them. I'm your wife. I'm..."

"Shut up. People believe that you're my wife, but you know that you aren't."

Penny tried to convince him, tried to perform well and tried her best to please Brian, but Brian wasn't touched at all. He interrupted Penny coldly and decisively.

"Penny, do you think that I don't know your scheme? You'll never be Mrs. Bennet. I warn you. You either take the money or have nothing."

Brian stood up angrily. Seeing that Brian was stubborn, he hated her even more.

In his view, only woman like Winnie who understood situation could be with him. And, the sooner he left a scheming woman like Penny, the better.


"You have two days to consider. You either tell me how much money you need or give up the scheme you have in your mind. Otherwise, you'll regret it one day."

After saying that coldly, Brian directly left, leaving Penny who was very angry and resentful.

Seeing that Brian leave ruthlessly and then looking at the dinner she prepared carefully, she couldn't breathe as if there were something weighed on her mind like a big stone.

Suddenly, she turned around, came close to the table quickly and angrily pushed all the delicious dishes to the ground. Instantly, there was the sound of smashing dishes.

But she couldn't vent her anger and resentment in this way.

Penny broke things in the empty house for quite a while, after which she sat feebly on the sofa in the living room. Looking at the mess and thinking about Brian's being ruthless, Penny began to scheme again.

Brian wanted to put an end to it with money, which would make Penny lose her only chance.

In four years, it was the first time for her to sleep in Brian's bed. If she failed to get something from it, her sufferings in the past four years would be in vain.

Now, she understood something. She didn't just want Brian to love her. She wanted more. However, her present priority was to consolidate her place. To achieve that, she need to have a child.

It meant that she had to get pregnant in this month.

Thinking of this, Brian went back to her room, got changed and drove out.

Penny asked Daniel to meet her in the bar where they met for the first time. This time, they stayed in a private box.

"Mrs. Bennet, you promised one thing last time. Why hasn't you done it? I've been waiting for it."

After drinking off a glass of wine, Daniel asked.

"I haven't finished that thing yet. When I get everything done, I'll definitely contact you."

"Daniel, I don't understand. What's so good about her? You should hang up on her."

Penny asked in a sinister way.

After she promised him that last time, she had been planning. The reason why she didn't do anything was that she failed to find the right person to do it. In her opinion, she must do bad things in a way that wouldn't cause future troubles. Therefore. She thought it very important to find a reliable person to do that for her.

"I don't know. Maybe it's the desire to conquer that makes me hang up on her. If I have never been able to get it, I would try to get it until I succeed, no matter what price I'll pay."


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