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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 133

Leo had long felt that Winnie and Brian had feeling for each other, but Brian had a family and could not accept such a woman with a child.

Brian could not give Winnie an easy life, and the person got injured would be Winnie. She would suffer the same gut-wrenching pain as she did five years ago.

Leo did not want to see that.

"I know what to do."

Brian said coldly and got off directly. In any case, he would not let Winnie go back to Leo. Although he could not give her happiness, he would do his best to spare her suffering.

Brian felt relived on his way back to the company and finally he knew that Winnie was not a cheater.

But as new problems emerged, more and more evidence emerged that Winnie was the surrogate, which confused Brian.

The answer was there but he dared not to reveal it. If she did, how should he deal with this complex relationship? Should he keep Megan with him? Should he ask Winnie to stay? If he did, what should Wendy do?

After the quarrel with Brian, Winnie had not been to work. She wanted to stay with Vanessa, so that she could relax and have a good state to take the exam.

In these two days, Winnie did not call Brian and did not answer his calls. She was angry and wanted him to compromise.

They had been deadlocked to the day Vanessa took the exam.

It was the college entrance examination, which was an important moment in Vanessa's life.

Because there was no car, Winnie was going to do everything a little earlier, sent the child to kindergarten earlier, accompanied Vanessa to take the subway earlier, got the examination room earlier, so as not to make any mistakes in the middle.

Everything was ready. She took two children and Vanessa out and met Brian and Albert downstairs.

"Brian, what are you doing here?”

Vanessa said in surprise.

"Good morning Daddy, Good morning, Albert!"

"Good morning Uncle Brian, Good morning Albert!”

The two children greeted each other politely, but Winnie remained silent.

"I'll go with you to the exam."

Brian said.

"Really? Good, I won't be so nervous."

Vanessa said happily. The appearance of Brian really made her relieved a lot.

"Don't bother since you're so busy, Mr. Bennet. I'll go with her. Luke, Megan, let’s go to kindergarten."

Winnie refused Brian, deliberately showing that she was angry. She would like to see if this move could subdue Brian.

"It's yet early to go to kindergarten. Let Albert take them there. Come with me, Vanessa, I'll drive you there."

Brian was afraid that Winnie would refuse. He had already thought of how to be gallant. Now someone was there, otherwise he would have gotten Winnie into his car in his arms and Winnie would have no chance to refuse.

Vanessa stood in situ in embarrassment. Her sister did not agree and she was afraid her sister would get angry. At this time, Brian suddenly reached out and pulled Vanessa's arm and walked toward the parking space.

"Sister, I can’t refuse his kindness, I have to get in the car."

Vanessa could only go with Brian. Winnie was angry, but her children were still there and she could only endure it. She gave Albert the keys to Albert and then told him something before walking to the car.

In the car Winnie did not show her anger, for fear of affecting the mood of Vanessa.

"Drive, Mr. Bennet, thank you."

Sitting in the co-pilot's seat, Winnie glared at Brian while talking.

"Let's go, as long as Vanessa can get a good performance, I don't mind trouble."

As her words fell, the sound of an engine was heard and the three of them moved on together.

On the way to the examination room.

"Have you brought your admission ticket and ID card?"

Brian looked at Vanessa who was silent and thought she might be nervous, so he eased her nervous mood.

"Yes, I checked everything before I came out."

Vanessa whispered.

"That's good, since you are ready, don't worry. Relax and take it calmly. The exam result is not important but the experience."

Brian continued to enlighten, hoping that his words can ease Vanessa's tension.

"Well, I'm not worried. Brian, don’t worry, I am now nervous but I will not in the examination room. I not only want to experience the process but I want to try my best to get good grades."

"Good, I support you."

Brian was very happy and appreciated Vanessa's confidence, which was exactly the same as Winnie's.

Outside the examination room, it had gathered a lot of parents and children, as well as teachers. After relaxing outside for a while, Vanessa went into the examination room and waited in line.

After Vanessa got in, Winnie was worry, looking around, but said nothing. Suddenly someone behind her grabbed her hand and pulled her away.

"Wait in the car. You can't help here."


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