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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 145

Although Brian said so, he was still thinking about whether Penny and Daniel had any connection, but they did not seemed to be connected.

“Drive him away?”

Winnie was baffled. After the acquisition of MT, she asked for the dismissal of Daniel. When she heard the voice of Daniel, Winnie thought of Daniel was to find her revenge. Why did Brian say that he drove him away?

"In fact, after he made a move to you on the rooftop, I fired him. Not only did I fire him, I blocked his way out. He couldn't even find a job."

Brian said it was him drove away Daniel. He now regretted not for driving him away, but...

"If I had known that he was an unrepentant man, I should have made him disappear then, and he wouldn't have hurt you."

Brian gnashed his teeth. He hated himself that he did not do a good job and left a threat there.

Winnie was stupefied. It turned out that Daniel was fired by Brian at that time. She did not complain, but was moved.

Brian had protected her silently.

Winnie leaned forward carefully and suddenly embraced Brian with open arms.

"Thank you for everything. Nice to meet you again."

Winnie said in a gentle voice. She didn't know what "everything" meant. Maybe there were many things she didn't know. It was Brian who protected her.

Brian did not expect that Winnie could embrace him. At the moment of being embraced, he heard the sound of his heart beating violently and the sound of the iceberg completely melting in his heart.

Now his heart was nothing but the irregular beat and the soft murmur of the flowing water. The iceberg had gone forever.

He stroked Winnie's back, listening to what she said to him.

The last sentence, however, stunned him.

Winnie had said that when she was in a drunken sleep, when he thought she said to Leo. He did not expect the one in her dream was him.

"When was the last time you saw me?”

Asked Brian suddenly.

Brian obviously felt Winnie's body froze because of his words. She answered.

"Maybe in my previous life."

Winnie's body betrayed her, but she answered calmly, without flustering or explaining. Because one day the truth will come out.

If she had not survived this time, Daenerys had already told her everything.

Brian didn't get the answer he wanted, so he didn't keep asking. Winnie was not suited to emotional ups and downs. When she recovered from her injuries, he would investigate it.

"Winwin, the police will come in the evening to do a record, you need to tell then what happened. Don’t get emotional and don’t cry. It's all over. Say it out and forget about the bad memories."

Brian said, while pulling apart the distance between them. He must say it in advance, so that Winnie had a psychological preparation.

"Ok, I'm fine."

Winnie was flattered, since Brian was gentle to her since she woke up. She had doubt that if she got illusion, because Brian never had been so gentle to her.

Winnie wanted to feel this rare moment of warmth, so she hugged Brian again.

This time she said nothing, just trying to keep the memory.

She did not fall asleep until after noon, and Brian went out while she was asleep.

In the car in the hospital parking lot.

Brian returned to his usual apathy.

"Look into Daniel and see if he ever left. I don't understand the connection between Daniel and Penny."

"I'll send someone to look into it. But they met."

Albert gave a hint.

"They did?”

Asked Brian doubtfully.

"In the first time we met Daniel, Penny was in the elevator too. They didn't talk, but he knew who she was."

Albert said so, Brian suddenly saw the light.

"Check both of them and see if they're connected."

"Okay, I'll call right away."

Said Albert, picked up the phone and conveyed Brian's command.

Brian continued to order.

"Inform the police that they can come in that evening and take a transcript."

As Brian's voice fell, Brian’s phone rang.

Brian picked up the phone and found it was Penny calling. He told Albert to cooperate with him.

"Contact the police in a louder voice."

Albert nodded. He understood the meaning of Brian, so he made a call to the police. Brian also answered the phone.

"What is it?”

"Nothing, Brian, but I'm worried that you haven't been home for a few days."

Penny's calm voice came over.

"I was too busy to go home."

"Don't be too tired..."

As Penny said, she heard the voice of Albert over the phone and stopped, alert.

"Is that Officer XX? Miss Chambers's mental condition is much better and you can come here this evening to take transcripts."


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