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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 157

In Winnie's view, that was life. She was the last one who wanted to see Brian torture himself with regret.

"Can you not talk about this? My mother must be sad if I forgive him."

Brian still hated to talk about it, but this time he didn't get angry or yell.

"You know what, only you think your mother will be sad. Do you know the one-sided thing or the comprehensive thing? How can you be so sure it's all your father's fault? At any rate your mother is gone, and now you are torturing yourself. Doesn't your heart hurt when you look at your father getting old day by day?"

Winnie raised a bunch of questions. She sensed a slight change in Brian, so she must continue to try harder, because time was limited.

"Winnie, what do you know? I warned you..."

Brian could not help but get anger in voice, but when he saw the innocent eyes of Winnie, he stopped.

"Warn me again? Go ahead and scold, everything is almost over, and you won't even get a chance to scold me."

Winnie did not shout back, but what she said was the truth.

At the thought of leaving, Brian was distressed and speechless.

Brian said nothing, so did Winnie. The bedroom fell silent again.

After a long while, it was Brian who spoke.

"Never mind my business. It's my business if I forgive him or not, it's none of your business. Take care of yourself."

Brian said in a cold voice and he did not want to talk about the matter between his father and mother.

Since Winnie did not need him, his affairs did not need Winnie to intervene.

Winnie’s blazing heart cooled down because Brian's words.

"Ok, I will leave it alone. Since that, let us end our relationship early. It is less than two month, I don’t know what we are doing for."

Winnie said angrily. It if ended earlier, she would give up earlier. She was told not to intervene in everything of him.

Brian did not expect Winnie would say so. He wanted to say he would end the contract now, but he finally held back, because he did not want to.

"I need to use the bathroom."

He was to let himself down and ease his mood, as well to find sample.

But Brian was disappointed. Winnie didn't have a toothbrush or any hair there. Had she changed her toothbrush by chance, or had she been prepared to keep him from finding it?

Disappointed, Brian came out from Winnie’s room. Winnie was lying on the bed with her eyes closed and with her back to Brian.

Since there was nothing to say, he would find a way out when her anger subsided.

Brian quietly left and met two children and Rufus downstairs.

"Did you see Auntie, Daddy?"

Luke went to Brian and asked softly.

"Yes. Luke, I am going back, you are brother, take care of sister and Auntie. I will come and see you when I have time."

With that, Brian walked away, and then he heard Rufus's voice.

"Stay for lunch. I've got it ready."

Rufus wanted to keep his son longer, but he didn't expect him to leave so soon.

"Cook Winwin something delicious. She needs nourishment."

Brian gave Rufus answer, it was he did not want to say, but it was for Winnie.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her."

Rufus said with full confidence. No matter what Brian said, as long as he spoke, it was a kind of communication. He was happy and pleased.

Brian left after he talked to the children. Winnie stood in front of the window, watching Brian’s back. There was unspeakable pain in the heart.

He had tall and straight back, meticulous dress and steady pace.

This figure reminded her of Brian four years ago.

At that time, although she was heartache and tormented by reality, she was still curious about who the man who bought her to give birth to her child would be. She peeped at the back of Brian like this.

Now the mood was completely different.

At that time, she didn't feel anything when she saw him leave, but now she felt sad because she loved him but she could not be with him.

She loved him but she could only move on.

"Go away, go away, one day you will come out of my world. You do me a favor if you leave a day earlier."

Winnie could not help but shed tears.

Penny could finally breathe a sigh of relief. After knowing that Daniel was dead, she did not have a little pity but felt relieved.

She thought that when Daniel died all the things would go up in smoke, and her father was always cautious and it would not be found out.

Now all she needed to do was abort the child and looked for a chance to start over.

She, lying on the bed in her bedroom, made a call to her father.

"Dad, it's all settled. Can I get rid of the child now?"



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