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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 161

"What about Luke? Have you ever thought about Luke? Luke is now very dependent on Winnie. If you separate them, Luke cannot accept it.”

It was the most important. They could not let a child in deep depression because of the adult's selfish interests.

"I worry that too, I don’t want to hurt Luke."

Felix knew it was difficult, but there was no perfect thing. He could only find a way to reduce the damage to the lowest to Luke.

"If Wendy comes back, I'll take care of Luke. I will never allow Luke to be bullied by his stepmother. Wendy left because Luke, if she can accept Luke, she would not leave. Even if she comes back, she is impossible to get along well with Luke."

Rufus said firmly. He came here with the main purpose of fighting for the custody of Luke.

About that, he could not communicate with Brian now, so he could only talk to his father. As long as he could have Luke, and took Winnie as his god daughter, Winnie could live with the two children, so that no one would be hurt.

"All right, let Luke live with you. I will talk to Brian."

For the time being, Rufus's idea was the best, and Felix had no reason not to agree.

"Have you improved your relationship with Brian?"

Felix asked.

"Yes. He's been to my house several times and had spoken to me."

"These are all the credits of Winnie. She was the only one who could convince Brian to do that. Take your time. A good beginning is half the battle."

Rufus said with a sigh. He got something on his trip to fight for the custody of Luke. As for Brian and Winnie, he could only try not to violate love.

Rufus left the old house and went directly to Richard's office.

Richard was even surprised when he saw Rufus.

Before he often met Rufus and he never met him and got news of him. He did not even show up when Penny and Brian married.

He was somehow uneasy, except for shock, at his presence.

"Rufus, long time no see."

Richard greeted him warmly, but Rufus was sulky with a sharp look in his eyes.

"I have something to tell you, otherwise we wouldn't meet."

Rufus's voice was cold and deep. He hadn't talked to others like this for many years.

The moment he saw Richard, he could think of the scene of Penny mistreating Luke, even if he wanted to be gentle.

"......All right, sit down, sit down."

Richard was embarrassed. Looking at Rufus's unkind expression, Richard could do nothing but smile.

Rufus sat down, but the cold momentum did not reduce.

When contacting with Richard at the beginning, Rufus knew his treachery, and now it seemed that Penny inherited her father's malevolence.

"I'll go straight to the point. You ought to teach your daughter to stop her mistreating my grandchild. She knew the existence of Luke when she married to Brian and agreed to accept him. She should be good to him. If she mistreated Luke again, have psychological preparation, I never missed in the business."

Rufus warned coldly. He was not afraid of revealing Brian's plan, not afraid of the Burns family getting prepared. As long as he made up his mind, he would achieve the goal.

Rufus never hurt anybody, but Penny provoked the wrong person, she should not mistreated Luke.

“I don't know what you're saying, Rufus.”

Richard looked at Rufus in daze, but he was no confident, because he was afraid of Penny to make trouble again.

"I don't seem to be making myself clear..."

As Rufus was to explain, Richard’s phone rang.

"President, Miss Penney came to see you."

"She can explain."

Rufus also wanted to meet Penny.

"Let her in."

Richard could only say so but it was not the right time Penny came.

As soon as Richard's voice fell, the door of the office was opened and Penny walked proudly in like a rooster.


As soon as she saw Richard, she called him, Penny then noticed Rufus sitting on the sofa.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Penny was surprised and had a bad presentiment.

She could only see Rufus in the New Year reunion dinner, but unexpectedly he appeared in the office, she was nervous.

"I am here because of you. I won’t come if you did not maltreat Luke."

Seeing Penny, Rufus gnashed teeth and said coldly.


Penny turned frightened from astonishment. His heart was beating violently.


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