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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 185

Penny was beaten almost fell to the ground. She suddenly felt despair, but she still had no intention to give up. She tried to explain, but was interrupted by Brian.

"Shut up, you are just telling lies, I don't want to hear a word from you. You should know what you did to Luke. You beat him while I was away, cursed Luke and locked him in the warehouse. How can such a young child bear that?"

"How dare you maltreat my child? I will send you to prison and you will be there for the rest of your life."

At the thought of mistreatment on Luke, Brian was furious, fortunately, he still go his reason, or he would have killed Penny by now.

“No, Brian, listen to me. What I did was a momentary foolishness. It was my fault. I mistreated Luke because of Winnie. Winnie upset my life, so I vent my anger on Luke. Winnie is a cheater, she wants to..."

Penny cried, trying to put all the responsibility on Winnie, but before she could finish, once again she got Brian's slap.

Her face was in pain that she covered it with her hand, but the pain did not reduce, while the sense of humiliation increased. And the hatred to Winnie climbed to the extreme.

"Penny, this slap is for Winnie. She never said a lie. Leo was her boyfriend but was taken away by you. She is not a cheater, you are the cheater."

"Your heart had already twisted. You are blinded by money and power. If you want to promote by stepping on Winwin, you will destroy yourself."

"You've done all the bad things. You've tried to kill Winwin more than once. The first time, if I hadn't been there, Winwin would have died on that road. If I hadn't noticed about Daniel in time, Winwin would have died too."

"You have done more than two bad things, Penny. You own Winwin in your life. You must go to prison."

Penny did too many bad things, and Brian could not name it one by one.

He just wanted to clarify for Winnie to Penny, to let Penny know, in his heart, only Winnie was the cleanest and purest woman.

"No, it's not like that. You are deluded by her. She is a fox. She covets my position and deliberately destroys my life. Brian, you are smart, but you are bewitched by a fox. You..."

Penny refused to admit. She loudly vented her anger. And before she could finish her words, Brian raised his hand again. She was scared and shut up.

But to her surprise, he did not slap on her. Then Winnie's voice was heard.

"Don't beat her, Mr. Bennet. She's still pregnant."

This slap was stopped by Winnie and Penny avoided it.

"You still stood up for her. After all the things she's done to you, you still stood up for her? Don't be silly, Winwin. She deserved to die."

Brian was surprised by Winnie's appearance. She should be at work at this time. And it was unexpected that Winnie stopped him from beating Penny.

"The law will punish her for the mistakes she made, and I will never let her go for the things she did to Luke. She will not have a good end, but the child in her belly does nothing wrong and you cannot hurt the child. You don't have to get your hands dirty for her."

Winnie said in a cold voice, looking at Brian with gratitude in eyes, for the slap, for the fact that he still thought about her.

Winnie got off work early but because of the company's circuit temporary maintenance. And she did not expect to see such a scene.

She could not watch Brian beat Penny, for fear that Penny would tangle with him and Brian would get into unnecessary trouble.

Not wanting to hurt the child was just one reason and she was most worried about Brian.

"Winwin, stop being so kind..."

Brian was distressed about Winnie. After so many grievances, she was still kind.

"Brian, calm down. Winwin is right, the law will punish Penny."

Rufus said. She saw that Winnie was kind and honest, which made him admired, and he more liked Winnie.

"Get out, get out now. Paul, drag her out, she is not welcome here."

Brian could not get angry with Winnie and had promised Winnie that he would not get angry with his father, so he could only vent his anger to Penny.

Paul came to Penny and dragged her out.

Penny was not reconciled. She pulled Paul, while loudly scolding Winnie.

"Winnie, you are shameless. You are the most insidious person. You take Brian away and one day he will be taken away too."

Albert ran in and helped Paul to drag Penny out, but Penny scolded loudly.

"Winnie, wait and see. I will take you with me even if I die. I won't let you be with Brian."

Hearing Penny’s curse, Winnie only felt she was struggling like a clown. She blindly pursued her so-called ideal life without seeing through the truth.

Winnie was silent, but it did not mean that Brian could endure that.

"Albert, acquire the Burns Group now. Make Penny got nothing and become a beggar."

Brian issued instructions angrily.

He did not allow Penny to abuse Luke and could not hear that Penny abused Winnie. They were the most important people in his life, who could not be slandered by Penny.

"Do it now."


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