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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 187

The two children stood by without a word but with tears in their eyes. They felt sorry for the fact that Mommy got a pale face and that she was lying there without any spirit.

They wanted to comfort Mommy, but they were afraid that they could not help crying loudly and disturbing Mommy, so they could only stand and sob quietly.

"Stop crying, you kids. Mummy's all right. Mummy will be fine in the next morning after sleeping."

Winnie couldn't watch the children cry for fear they would worry about her. She could only force a smile to comfort them.

Winnie's maternal love stimulated every nerve of Brian. Now she was in a bad state but pretended to be strong for her children.

"Megan, Luke, mommy's okay. You need to stop crying. Mommy needs to rest now. Why don't you go out and play?"

Brian told the two children and did not want them here to affect the mood of Winnie.

"Luke, Megan, I take you downstairs to play. You will disturb Mammy's rest here."

Rufus said, and then took the two children downstairs.

After the two children left, Winnie asked about Penny.

“How is she?”

Her voice was weak, but she wanted to know.

"You still care about her. I curse her to lie in the hospital and never get up."

Daenerys said angrily. She hated Penny.

If Brian had not there, Winnie would have died. And now she still cared about her, Daenerys would inevitably nag.

"She can die, but the baby in her belly is innocent."

Winnie did worry about her. She wanted to know if she was ok.

Winnie was kind which made Brian speechless. He knew Winnie wanted to know the situation of Penny.

So he made a call to Albert.

"How are things going?"

"Penny is still in a coma."

Albert was ordered to deal with the matter.

"Is there any danger?"

Brian asked in a cold voice.

"No. The surgery has been done, but the baby is gone. Her left calf got hurt and her face got bruises."

Albert told him the details.

Brian hung up the phone and then told Winnie the situation of Penny.

"I am sorry for the child."

Winnie was sad and she did not say a word.

Kevin feared Winnie would have nightmares at night, so before leaving, he prescribed some calm medicine to her, so that she could have a sound sleep.

After Kevin and Daenerys left, Brian helped Winnie take the medicine. During the whole process, Winnie did not say a word but still held Brian's hand.

Soon afterwards she fell into a deep sleep.

And Brian was lying beside her, holding her hand. But he was not sleepy at all.

Seeing Winnie sleeping soundly with a pale face, Brian hated himself.

All this was caused by his tardiness. It was he who made Winnie like this.

For months at his side, Winnie gained nothing, but was constantly surrounded by danger.

Today he had a sense of crisis and timely pulled Winnie. If he was a second late, Winnie would have died and he would be painful just as he was when his mother died. He would live with the regret of losing her forever.

Penny woke up in the next morning.

To her sorrow, there was nobody by her side.

The nurse came to tell her the situation. After learning that the baby was gone, she had no pain but pity. It was a pity that it had been lost before it was put to good use.

She was in a daze lying in bed looking at the ceiling, in regret not killed Winnie.

At this time, Richard came in angrily and abused her loudly.

"Are you crazy? If you want to die, think of your own way, don't bring the family into trouble."

"Now because of you, the Burns Group is under attack by the Bennet Group, and soon it will be defeated. At this time, you did not help the Burns Group but attacked Winnie, provoked Brian. You're nuts, aren't you?"

"Didn’t I tell you to get out of here? Now police are keeping eyes on you and you can't leave."

Richard’s resentment could not be described with language. Looking at Penny's injury all over, thinking of the crisis that the Burns Group faced, he could not calm down at all.

"Are you finished scolding? If you're not here to care about me, please leave. I said I have nothing to do with the Burns Group, and nothing to do with you."


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