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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 200

Although Daenerys was dizzy, she could hear that Winnie betrayed her. Flushed, Daenerys stopped Winnie, but it seemed that it was of no use. Winnie continued.

“Otherwise she would have turned you down straight away.”

“Winwin, stop, are we friends or not?”

Daenerys continued to stop, but she got blushed.

“I'm her best friend. I know her. If she hates a man, she will avoid him as much as possible. It is impossible for her to eat at the same table with him.”

“So you have a chance. Just hang in there.”

Winnie said. Looking at Daenerys’ blushing face, she smiled happily.

“Don't worry, I will. I will not give up easily.”

Looking at Daenerys covering her face with her hands, Kevin felt it cute.

“Well, then, I shall be expecting good news from you. Don't forget I'll be your backup in case you failed. I'll help you get her.”

Winnie could not help laughing heartily. She had not laughed like this for a long time.


In order to stop Winnie, Daenerys could only let her drink, because she would sleep instead of talking when she got drunk.


Winnie did not refuse, trying to get drunk, so that she could forget all the troubles.

The two women drank more and more, and finally they lied on the desks.

When Kevin did not know what to do, Brian called.

“Where are you? Drink with me.”

Brian wanted to drink. He was in a bad mood obviously.

Now Kevin did not want to drink, now he had to get the two women home.

“I am in XXX, come over.”

Kevin felt it not right, but the two women were really a big problem for him right now.

About 20 minutes later, when Brian reached the table and saw Winnie leaning over it, he realized he had been tricked.

“Brian, take Winwin home. She's drunk. I'll take Daenerys home.”

Kevin treated Brian as a savior without any guilt.

“I didn't tell her to drink much. I won't take her home.”

Brian said coldly.

After hearing Winnie's words that day, he told himself he had to forget about her. From that moment on, Winnie had nothing to do with him.

He had always felt in debt to her, but he had paid her back by giving her custody of two children. He did not owe Winnie anything. He should have turned a blind eye to her.

Brian mercilessly turned around and walked away. Then Winnie's voice came from behind him, which made him stop unconsciously.

“I... I can go back on my own. I can take a taxi.”

“Take Daenerys home, Doctor Burns. I...... I'll go back myself.”

Winnie said in a daze, and then got up.

Maybe she had been sitting for too long, or got drunk, her legs were numb and she fell down before she could fully stand up.


Kevin shouted out, but he was sitting opposite Winnie and had no time to catch her.

Brian heard the cry and directly turned to catch Winnie, so Winnie did not fall to the ground.

“Thank you... I'll go back by a taxi.”

After Winnie said this, she stood up straight with the support of Brain, but she felt that her body was very light and not easy to control.

“I'll go first, Doctor Burns. You take care of Daenerys.”

Winnie walked around Brian to the outside. Although her steps were light, she could still control them.

“Brian, why are you just watching her? Send her back.”

Seeing that Brian stood there motionless, Kevin said anxiously. However, Brian had been glaring at Winnie's back and did not speak or take action.

“Fine, I will send her home. You help her into the carriage.”

Kevin couldn't bear to let a drunken woman go by herself, so he had to send both home. But now Daenerys’ head was on his shoulder. If he got up to help Winnie, Daenerys would fall, and he was unable to hold both of them.

Brian walked over when he saw Winnie bump into the door.

“Don't come. I'll stop a taxi myself.”

“Shut up.”

Brian said coldly.

How could he let Winnie take a taxi? She had a strong psychological fear on taxis. She would tremble all over.

With all this in mind, Brian forgot about his commitment to himself. He could not let the drunk Winnie left alone.

“There's a taxi, I...”

Winnie moved forward, but as she waved to the taxi, she was picked up.


“I told you to shut up. I will throw you in the middle of the street if you say one more word.”

Brian was afraid that Winnie was stubborn and insisted on stopping a taxi, so he simply picked her up. In this way he could control her.

Winnie covered her mouth in panic like a child. Looking at the face in front of her, she had a familiar feeling.


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