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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 202

“I am going on a business trip by plane tonight. If I go back, I will disturb your sleep. I will go back when I am less busy.”

Brian made up a reason and kept the children from worrying about him.

“Daddy, work is not important, the Bennet Group is not important. Our family being together is important. I'm happy with Mommy, and I'll be happier if you spend more time with us.”

Luke was sensible, and his words made Brian felt depressed.

“Ok, I'll stay with you when I make enough money.”

Brian was guilty, because he could not fulfill his commitment.

“Megan, Luke, time for take a bath.”

Winnie did not want to hear the promise of Brian to the children, otherwise the children would have expectations and they would be more disappointed.

In order to keep the children from having expectation, she had to interrupt their conversation.

“Bye, Daddy!”

“Bye, Daddy!”

Although two children were not willing to say goodbye to Daddy, they were obedient to Mommy.

After that, Megan and Luke went out together.

Winnie sat by her computer and thought for a long time before finally deciding to call Brian.

Brian's phone number and contact information had been deleted by her, but she clearly remembered his mobile phone number.

When the phone was put through, Winnie spoke formally.

“I want to talk to you about the children.”


Brian's voice was cold.

“You are about to get married. I think we should tell the children about it lest they will not accept it.”

There was a moment's silence on the other side of the phone when Winnie finished.

“It's up to you, just don’t make them sad.”

Brian had nothing to say. Winnie did it for the sake of the children, so he had no reason to oppose.

“I will tell them some day. Be ready, they will ask you.”

Winnie continued.

“I'll take your car to the suburbs this weekend. You can get it when you have time.”

Winnie felt awkward to mention what happened a few days ago, after all, she took the initiative.

“I will ask Albert to get the car.”

Brian still said coldly, as if nothing had ever happened.

“Ok, bye, then.”

Then Winnie hung up the phone, feeling bitter in heart.

They could no longer contact by phone and she would let Luke or Megan contact him.

Winnie drove to work the next morning. She was focused on driving, afraid of accidents during the rush hour. But she was unlucky today.

When Winnie's car was waiting at a red light, there was impact suddenly came from behind. Winnie was shaken by the impact and realized she was being rear-ended.

She was annoyed. She had an important client interview this morning, and she couldn't calm down because she didn't have enough time.

Winnie got out of the car and came to the car behind, but the owner didn’t even get out of the car.

Winnie looked at the car that caused the accident and knew why the owner was so arrogant. It was a luxury car.

Winnie tapped on the window of the luxury car.

“Please get out of the car. Your car hit mine.”

Winnie suppressed her anger, and her tone was mild.

However the owner was disdainful.

The window fell a little, and then the owner handed over 20,000 yuan in cash.

“There's my number on it. Call me if it is not enough to fix the car.”

The man even did not look at Winnie and his tone was arrogant.

Winnie could not help being angry. She did not take the money but criticized him coldly.

“Sir, it was you who caused the accident, and your attitude is not going to solve the problem at all. Please get out of the car...”

“The money is not enough? Give me your WeChat ID. I will transfer to you one hundred thousand.”

The man took his hand back and picked up the phone.

“It's not the money, Sir. I......”

“Old lady, can you stop being so melodramatic. It is my first day to work...”

The man couldn't help but get angry. He finally turned his head to look at the “old lady” and wanted to rebuke her, but when he saw her, he stopped abruptly.

The man was surprised by her beauty and fixed his eyes on her. She was not an old lady, she was a beautiful woman.

The next moment, the man got off and the car.

“Sorry, beauty, I have a bad mood, it is my fault. I drove carelessly. I'll fix your car and pay for your damage.”

Winnie was puzzled by his sudden change, but she felt better.


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