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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 216

What Albert saw in Wendy's eye was different from that in Winnie's eyes. Although he did not have a girlfriend, he could see love in Winnie's eyes.

Brian did not speak and gave his hukou to Albert after being silent for a while.

"Go off work after you send it."

Brian said in a low voice. Albert left.

Brian came to the rest room. Lying on the bed, he thought about what Albert had just said.

His words made senses, but he did notice if Wendy had changed since she came back, because his mind and his attention had not been on Wendy.

Brian did not feel sleepy at all. Although it was very late, he was enjoying at the moment. Only when he was alone at this moment would he miss Winnie without any fear.

If they could meet earlier, he would choose Winnie without hesitation and no matter in what way, he would make Winnie his wife who got approval of grandpa.

Regrettably, they met too late.

Winnie decided to forget everything and put all her energy into her work. Only in this way could she forget Brian, the man who hated her.

Winnie was working hard in the office. Leo knocked at the door and came in.

"Winwin, there is a good news. The government has found advantages in the process of experiment of our software and is ready to promote it to the whole country, so that your company can be famous an, there will be a lot of partners to cooperate with you."

Leo said excitedly. He was more excited about that than his success.

What he hoped most now was that Winnie would go well, and that she would live the rest of her life with only happiness instead of pain.

"That's great, thank you very much. Leo, without you, our company would not have this chance. I really appreciate it."

Winnie thanked him from the heart. She knew Leo was excited because of her, she also knew Leo chose to cooperate with their small company because of her.

Leo offered constant help, and Winnie did not know how to thank him. Even if he owed her before, it should have been paid off.

"We have cooperation and we get mutual benefit, you don't need to thank me. It is me should thank you. We are new in software industry, but we made achievements thanks to you."

"Winwin, work in my company. I will give you more shares than you have here. Our company really needs you."

Although Leo communicated with Winnie with a smile, he was sincere. Leave alone his personal feelings, Winnie's ability would make his company have a great leap forward, and it would be possible to surpass the Bennet Group.

"Never mind, I'm fine here. I dare not accept shares in a company as big as yours. It's good for us to cooperate as much as we can."

"Leo, let’s have lunch today. It's my treat..."

"It's my treat."

Leo interrupted Winnie and continued to speak.

"I have already booked a restaurant. It's near Vanessa’s school. Ask Vanessa to come, as well as your aunt and two children, let’s have a meal together."

"It is troublesome..."

"It is not, since your aunt is back, I should treat her. A good friend’s aunt is my aunt, I should welcome her and it is the most basic courtesy."

Leo stressed the words of good friend, for fear that Winnie would have burden, for fear that Winnie would refuse.

"That is the deal. I will send you the location and specific time. You just need to contact your aunt and Vanessa. I gotta go now."

Leo came in a hurry and left in a hurry because he wanted to make time for lunch with Winnie's family.

Winnie did not have the choice. Seeing that Leo was so sincere, she had to contact your aunt and Vanessa.

At noon, Winnie came to the restaurant with her aunt and Vanessa.

At this time, Leo had been waiting in the compartment.

Leo had met Vanessa, so Winnie introduced her aunt to him.

"Leo, this is my aunt."

"Nice to meet you, Aunt. I am Leo, Winwin's good friend."

Leo greeted her gently.

"Hello! Nice to meet you!”

Aunt was kind and she liked this young man who called her Aunt.

"I should have treated you long ago since you have come back, Aunt, but I've been so busy these days that I haven't had time."

Leo said modestly and politely. He could see that Winnie's aunt was also a good person. From her look, he could feel her kindness.

"You are polite. Since you are Winwin’s good friend, we are one family. Families don’t need to be so polite."

My aunt had been unfamiliar with this kind of gathering for a long time, but she was quite at ease with it. She felt at ease because Leo was gentle, and it seemed that he was a good person to get along with.

"Aunt, have a seat."

"Ok, you too."

Isobel liked him. He was young, promising and handsome. She did not know whether this young man had a family background or not, if he had not, he was match to Winnie.


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