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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 221

Luke was in favor of the idea of Megan. If they wanted a happy family, they had to fight for it.

"I think so. We mustn't let Daddy get married anyway. Megan, let's go to grandpa, grandpa will help us."

"To Grandpa? Now? How do we get there? Mommy won't allow us to go out."

"Tomorrow, we'll sneak away secretly tomorrow. If it doesn’t work, we go to great grandpa. If it still doesn’t work, we will talk directly with Daddy."

Luke said with confidence. No matter what, he had to stop Daddy from getting married.

"Great grandpa won’t work. Mommy said we can’t tell him about something and Daddy said we can’t tell great grandpa our relationship."

"I think we should talk to Daddy first, and then talk to Grandpa. If they don't agree, we'll threaten them with leaving home."

Megan knew her idea was not good, but running away from home was the best way once they could do nothing.

"Ok, we'll do as you say. We'll frighten them if Daddy doesn't give up on getting married."

The two kids were in agreement and confident.

The second day at noon, on the first floor of reception hall of the Bennet Group.

Holding hands, Megan and Luke walked into the huge reception hall. Luke had been here, so he knew where his father’s office was.

They made a beeline for the lift, only to be stopped unexpectedly.

"Who do you want, kids? Is there a parent with you?"

A receptionist blocked their way.

"No parents. I come to see Daddy."

Luke answered without timidity.

"Daddy? Which department is it? Are you getting lost? Shall I send you home?"

The receptionist obviously didn't believe Luke and thought the two children were lost.

"My Daddy is on the 30th floor. I can find him myself."

After that, Luke took Megan to go, but was stopped by the receptionist again.

"Kids can't lie. Only president office and secretary room on the 30th floor, the person you want is not there. Tell me your parents' numbers and I call them."

Hearing that, the two kids got anxious. They had sneaked out of the kindergarten. If Mommy knew, they would not be able to see Daddy.

At this time Megan said.

"You get the phone and I'll call Mommy myself."

"Ok, you wait here, I get the phone."

As the receptionist turned around, Megan took Luke run to the elevator.

"Hey, kids, you can't run around, kids..."

The receptionist ran after him, and by the time she reached the elevator, the door had just closed and started going up.

The receptionist watched the elevator soar and hurried to call the secretary on the 30th floor.

When Luke and Megan came to the 30th floor, two secretaries had been waiting for them at the door of the elevator.

"You can't come here, kids. We will take you down."

After Klara left, no one knew Luke in the secretary's office. They all thought it was naughty two children and pulled them to go downstairs.

Then Megan suddenly shouted.

"Daddy, Daddy, I am Megan. Where are you?"

"Daddy, I am Luke, Daddy, I want to see you."

Luke shouted too. The secretary was frightened, for fear of disturbing Brian who was working.

"Kids, you can't make noise here. I can help you find your Daddy."

The secretary reached out and took the two children in her arms, trying to take them away by force. At this time, Megan suddenly sat down on the ground and shouted.

"If you touch me, I will report you to the police for child trafficking. I am sick and you will be responsible."

While Megan was attracting the attention of the secretary, Luke continued to shout loudly.

"Daddy, I am Luke, where are you? Daddy, I am Luke......"

"Daddy, I am Megan, I miss you."

Megan shouted to when the secretary was stunned.

At this time, Brian heard the noise from outside, and it seemed to the children’s voice.

But he did not find out it was Megan and Luke. He was agitated and thought the secretary was making a noise outside.

He then pressed the inside line, but no one answered. Outside, the sound grew louder and louder, as if the children were calling for Daddy.

When he opened the door of his office, the two children were running at him.



Megan quickly got up, pushed aside the secretary and rushed to Brian.

"What are you doing here? Does Mommy know?"

Brian asked in surprise. Seeing Winnie was not there, he was worried.

The two secretaries were stunned by the sight of him embracing the children, and what the children called him "Daddy".


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