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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 227

Albert pushed the door and came in.

"Mr. Bennet, there was a problem in the operation of a software developed by Winnie. Our software engineers could not solve it."

Although there were problems on the work, Albert was glad.

"They cannot even solve the problem of software, what else can they do?"

Brian was not calm. His employees were elites, who could solve various problems, but they failed to solve a problem of software.

"Any damage to the company?"

Brian continued to ask.

"Yes, so it needs to be solved quickly."

Albert replied.

"What they were thinking? Did they burry the expertise in their stomachs?"

Brian was furious. Any high level would be furious about that.

"Don't be angry, Mr. Bennet. Now this problem needs to be solved urgently. Let's get Winnie here. She designed the software and she knew it better than anyone."

That was why Albert was glad.

"Must I get her back?"

Brian asked uncertainly.

Although he wanted to see Winnie, he was afraid Winnie would think too much.

"We can't solve the problem. The only way is Winnie. Mr. Bennet, the impact will be bigger if we delay. Let's get this done quickly."

Albert urged. If he had this right, he would pick her up directly.

"I'll call her."

Brian pulled out the phone. Albert was sensible and walked out of the office.

Seeing that it was Brian calling, Winnie put her cell phone away and didn't want to answer it. The two children were not with her, and she did not know what to say if she picked up the phone.

However, the phone kept ringing. Winnie had to pick up the phone.

"What's up?”

She asked coldly.

"There's something wrong with the software developed. They've tried and nobody can fix it. Can you come and fix it?"

Brian's tone was also cold. He got straight to the point.

He had never thought that their communication would be in this strange manner, which hurt his heart.

"I'm busy now. I'll be there at noon."

Winnie did not refuse to work, let alone it was her software.

"It is urgent. Better come now."

Brian knew that Winnie was no longer an employee of his, so he had no right to order her. He would not disturb Winnie at work unless he had an emergency.

Winnie was silent for a moment.

"All right, I'll be there now."

Then Winnie hung up the phone. She was not used to the strange feeling.

On the way to the Bennet Group, Winnie's mood was mixed. It was the first time she had gone back to the Bennet Group since she left.

She knew a lot of people here. If she showed up, would they look at her with strange eyes? especially Klara, who must look at her with ridicule and contempt.

Winnie was right. As she walked into the company, she met Klara. And she did look at her with ridicule and contempt.

"Miss Chambers, I wait for you here and take you to the conference room of software department."

Klara said coldly and with dissatisfaction in eyes.

"Thank you. It's my pleasure."

Winnie said in a very formulaic way. She did not like Klara, she would not conflict with her when they met.

Klara said nothing and then took Winnie to the elevator.

The elevator began to go up, and neither man spoke. Then Klara spoke coldly.

"Miss Chambers, I'm no longer the president's secretary because of you."

Klara's voice was with hatred. Winnie left, but she still affected her position in Brian's heart, she could only blame Winnie.

"It has nothing to do with me. I left a long time ago, as you wished."

Winnie could hear the resentment and dissatisfaction in Klara's words.

"Stop playing nice. I never would have been transferred if you hadn't told Mr. Bennet about it. Winnie, I did not expect you are so mean and did harm to me."

Klara said gnashing teeth. If it weren't for Winnie, she was still around Brian.

Hearing that, Winnie thought of what she had said before. She did not expect that Brian would be willing to transfer Klara away from him.

"Klara, you should know what you did right or wrong. If you did the wrong thing, you should not blame others for the consequences. Do you think it was right of you to behave so badly to me?"

"From the time I worked in the Bennet Group until I left, there was nothing you were not against me. I don't owe you anything. I have nothing against you. Why should you treat me like that? It was kind of me not to retaliate against you, since you will have to bear the consequences of your misdeeds."

Winnie did not feel that her words were wrong. Compared with Klara's attitude towards her, her words were nothing.


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