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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 236

Winnie did not want to see Brian, did not want to communicate with him, did not want to disturb his quiet and happy life.

So she wanted to be perfunctory to Luke.

"Daddy's probably busy. It's a small competition, don't bother Daddy."

"You haven't called Daddy. How do you know Daddy is busy?"

Megan asked Mommy. She also hoped to have father’s company.

"Then you can ask Daddy. If Daddy has time to go with you, I will go to work. I have work anyway."

Winnie had no right to stop Brian to go, but she could do it herself.

"Mommy, I don't feel so at ease without you. You have to go. Your son is more important than your job."

Luke wanted his parents to go. This was his wish.

"I'll call Daddy, and if Daddy has time, we'll all go and cheer on brother."

Megan said while making a call.

"Daddy, I miss you."

Megan said happily. Hearing that, Brian forgot all worries.

"I also miss you. You are still up, do you want to have a video chat with me?"


Megan sent the video invitation to Brian.

"Daddy, are you busy at work tomorrow?"

As soon as the video was connected, Megan hurried to ask.

"I am busy every day."

Brian replied, looking at everything in the video. He saw Luke and Megan, but did not see Winnie.

"Can you spare a day for me and my brother?"

Megan asked.

"What for?"

Brian said in a soft voice.

Megan felt she failed, but adults were heard to be dealt with.

Luke said.

"Daddy, I'm going to the finals of a programming competition tomorrow. Can you come with me?"


Brian was silent for a moment, wondering if he could leave his work tomorrow. But Luke thought Daddy in hesitation......

"Daddy, I always envy that the kids have their parents to participate the kindergarten activities. Please come with Mommy, so that I can know what it is like.”

Afraid that Brian refused, Luke continued to request.

"Yes, Daddy, the teacher said that we only have childhood once, and it's better to have parents with us as we grow up. Daddy, complete one of our wishes."

Megan said. If Daddy did not agree, she would continue.

"Where's Mommy? Has Mommy got a minute?"

Brian did not mean to refuse, but listening to the words of the two children, he felt sorry for them.

Speaking of Mommy, Megan switched the camera, and then Brian saw Winnie lying on the sofa, typing with her mobile phone.

Just then a text message reached his phone. It was sent by Winnie.

"Don't say yes if you don't have time."

Brian looked at Winnie in the video who kept her eyes fixed on her phone as if waiting for his answer.

"I am free. I will go with you."

"Thank you, Daddy, Daddy, we love you!"

Megan and Luke were very happy, but Brian found Winnie frowned in the screen.

Then another message appeared on the screen.

"If you have Wendy with you, tell them in advance so they won't get emotional again."

Winnie finished the message and sighed. She did not know that she was on the video.

"Luke, Megan, I will pick you up tomorrow morning. We will go together." Bran said.

"I have to work now so I can go with you tomorrow. Say goodbye to Daddy."

Winnie's delicate face was on Brian's mobile phone. He had been watching until she disappeared.

The next day, Brian arranged everything and drove to Winnie's house to pick them up.

All the way when Brian spoke, Winnie did not speak.

When Winnie spoke, she would keep her mouth shut whenever Brian interrupted her.

If possible, she only wanted to use text to commutate with him, and did not want to say a word to him.

To the scene of the competition, Winnie once again comforted Luke, for fear that he was nervous.

"Now, Mommy, you're the most nervous one. I have you and Daddy with me and I'm not nervous at all. Don’t worry, I will do a good job."

"Well, I am too nervous. I should learn from you to be calm."

Listening to Luke’s relaxed tone, Winnie felt relieved.

"Son, just try your best. Ranking is not important."

Brian was afraid that Luke would be nervous, after all, he had depression. If he was too nervous, it would annoy him.


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