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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 25

Going downstairs, Winnie pushed the door and went out. Penny was waiting by the door.

Winnie took Penny to the park in the community.

"What do you want?"

Winnie said with an expressionless face.

"Winnie, have you forgotten I warned you? You went to Leo and told him something? Do you want to get back together with Leo?"

Penny said angrily, with a disgusting witch face.

"That's the thing between me and Leo. You don't have to worry about it. It's none of your business if we want to get back together. Didn't you break up?"

She had no need to tell her thought to Penny. She didn’t have to explain anything to her.

She used to consider her as her best friend, but now she was less than a stranger.

"Winnie, don't be wishful thinking. Your status is not worthy of Leo. I warn you not to talk toLeo, or I will kick you out of the Bennete Group."

Penny was menacing with ferocity.

The revelation of what happened four years ago would seriously affect her status now. She would never allow that to happen.

"Ha ha......"

Winnie showed a disdainful smile.

"I believe you have the ability, and I am eager that you can kick me out as soon as possible. Tomorrow, if you can, fire me tomorrow morning."

Now Winnie was not afraid of this threat. It was good to fire her, so she could get rid of Brian.

"You...... Winnie, I am not that poor Penny in those days. It is easy for me to destroy you now. Don't mess with me, or you will suffer."

Penny said with vicious threat and arrogant eyes. She was indeed different.

Winnie showed a faint smile and said in a fearless tone.

"Do as you please. I don't think anyone can change what I want to do."

Winnie turned to leave, and Penny was still shouting behind.

Winnie shook her head while walking. Penny had studied in a university and went abroad for two years, but her quality was so inferior.

Winnie did not go home, but walked along the neighborhood toward the road.

Today she was disturbed byLeo and Penny, she could not bear it and again she felt hurt in heart.

Such a thing was not expected before Winnie came back, but she did not expect the identity of Penny had such a change.

Although none of this had anything to do with her, it still affected her daily life.

Winnie felt depressed and walked in the bar when she passiung through the bar door.

She wanted to get drunk once to feel relaxed.

Winnie sat down at the bar and the bartender offered her a glass of whiskey.

Winnie seldom drank alcohol and did little research on it. She drank whatever the bartender offered her, and she cared less about getting drunk.

She just wanted to get drunk, so as to temporarily forget those things that make her upset.

One after another, Winnie got up and was ready to leave. When she was to pay the bill, she realized she didn't have any money with her, nor did she take out her phone.

Just when she was embarrassed, a tall man appeared in front of her.

Winnie looked at him blankly for a while.

"Oh, you do haunt me. Now that you've come, help me pay the bill."

Brian appeared and could help her. Winnie could accept it reluctantly, but his face was darkened.

"That's all paid. Come with me."

Brian’s cold voice was unchanged.

"Thank you..."

Winnie became drunk and said thank you with a smile.

She turned around, but she staggered. Fortunately Brianhelped her, otherwise she would be embarrassed.

"Ha ha...Thank you very much!"

Winnie was supported by Brian and walked out of the bar. The breeze hit her and the effect of alcohol made her shiver, which also reflected her poor drinking capacity.


As Winnie wanted to say that it was too cold and she wanted to go home, a man's coat covered over her body.

Winnie looked up at Brian with grateful but cute eyes.

"Thank you!”

Brian did not say anything, but helpped Winnie get into the car with a gloomy face. But then Winnie suddenly refused to get in to the car.

"Wait, I can't go home like this. I get drunk, Meganwill worry about me."

Winnie looked around for something, and then sat down on roadside.

"You go first. I'll sober up and go back."

Winnie asked Brian to leave. But even if a passers-by would not leave her alone since she was like this.

Brian closed the door and sat down.

Winnie was dizzy and leaned her head on his shoulder without caring he was Brian or not.

"I'll just borrow your shoulder for a while."

Winnie's voice was low. And then she began to mumble.


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