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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 27

Daenerys took Leo to the tombstone of Winnie’s parents.

"They are Winwin’s parents. You can tell if Winwin cheated you by looking at their date of death."

Leo panicked, at this moment he realized that he had made a mistake.

Leo squat down to look at the death date. Suddenly his brain went blank and he pulled his hair in chagrin.

"I wrongly blamed Winwin, it is my fault, it is all my fault."

Leo was in self-accusation and regret. He lost his favorite woman.

The date Winnie's father died was the day Winnie suddenly returned to the country. When Winnie's mother died, they had broken up. So when Winnie called him, her mother was dying.

Damn Penny, she knew everything about Winnie and used what she knew to set up a scam. But the most intolerable thing was that he believed it and did not doubt it.

They walked out of the graveyard to the car.

Leo regretted and Daenerys could do nothing about it.

"Leo, do you know how difficult it was for Winwin? Her father died on the spot, and she got the news that her mother was dying every day. Vanessa was in a coma in the hospital. You were God to her at that time, but you refused to help her."

Four years had past, by Daenerys’s words, Leo could feelWinnie’s heartache and he could not image how Winnie faced it.

"I was wrong. I was so wrong."

Leo regretted and wished to slap on himself.

Hearing what happened to Winnie, he hated himself even more. He hated that he did not appear when Winnie needed him most. What love was that?

How could he still say that he loved Winnie?

"That's not the whole story. What made her desperate was the debt of more than 50 million yuan left by her father and compensation for the dead and injured. It may not mean much to you, but it almost killed her."

Daenerys breathed a sigh of relief before she continued.

"Fortunately, when sorting through the belongings of her father, Winwin found there were houses under the name of her sister and aunt. Her sister was under 18, so she could only sell two of them. Winwin's aunt came back and sold one of her houses, in that way, she paid off most of the money."

"How much is left? I'll pay for her."

Leo asked urgently. Not to mention 50 million, he could be able to pay a hundred million. But for Winnie who lost her family was hardship.

"Not much. With her current ability, she'll soon be able to pay it off."

"What can I do for her? I can do anything she needs."

Leo said anxiously.

"Don't worry, Leo. There's something I haven't told you."

She was silent for a moment before she continued.

"Leo, Winwin has a child. I'm afraid it's impossible for you to be together."

“A child?”

Leo stared his eyes wide in shock. He didn’t understand.

"She married and divorced. She has the child."

Daenerys explained briefly and did not say much.

Because the child was already his biggest obstacle.

Leo was now a rich man in B City and outstanding in all aspects. Daenerys hoped he could protect Winnie.

But it was not what it was four years ago.

"Married? Divorced?"

Leo was surprised and did not expect that.

At the same time he thought of their last phone call, "I have found a man, he gave me the money that you can’s afford." Was that the moment Winnie decided to choose another man? Was it because of him? Did she personally give his most loved woman to others?

At the thought of this, Leo hit his car with a fist angrily. He hated himself.

On the way home, Leo had been frowning and thinking about something. Daenerys did not disturb her but silently looked out of the window.

"Leo, don't tell Winwin that I told you, she will break off with me if she finds it out."

Daenerys suddenly reminded Leo. She did not want to be scolded by Winnie.

"I won't tell her. And you don't tell her what I know. I made her so desperate and I allied with her best friend to hurt her. I am ashamed. I am not worthy to say I love her."

Leo said sadly with a low mood.

"I'm not going to say anything. You can do it according to your situation."

Daenerys looked back at Leo, thinking that he flinched after knowing the existence of the child. This was what she could only do. If she did not tell him about the child, it would cause harm to Winnie in the future.

“You are her best friend, Daenerys. Tell her not to risk her for revenge. Penny is now Brian's wife. Winwin can't do anything to her. If she wants revenge..."

After knowing the truth, Leo was sure that Winnie came back to take revenge onPenny.

But this revenge was not easy, he could not watch Winnie get hurt.

"Wait, revenge? Penny is Brian’s wife?"

Daenerys was eager to tell Winnie the news, so she was sent directly to Winnie’s home.

Winnie and Megan were having dinner. Daenerys had a key, so she directly opened the door to come in.


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