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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 371

Leo continued to be earnest.

“Emily, perhaps you think I said those words for Winwin, but I didn’t, I was serious.”

“I can say it again if you don’t believe me, I...”

“Leo, it doesn’t matter. Are you willing to marry a person you don’t love? Even if you are, I don’t want to hurt myself for that.”

Emily interrupted him. Even if he was serious, his purpose was not simple and his words hurt her.

She continued.

“Don’t stay it again no matter it is joke or not. If you want to say it, don’t say it in front of me.”

“But I never said that to any woman, not even years ago when I was in love with Winwin, not even when I wanted to start over with her.”

“Emily, I know you don’t trust me now, and I know I’ve hurt you, but I still want you to give me a chance. Can we just start again, like the first day of our blind date?”

Leo was restless and painful in heart. He was afraid that Emily would not give him a chance again.

“Do you like me?”

Emily asked suddenly.

“I...I don’t know how I feel about you, but I don’t want you to leave.”

Leo did not admit that because now he was not sure what his feeling was for Emily.

“Then stop, we will start over when you like me.”

Emily knew that Leo did not like her and that he had his own reasons for not wanting her to leave. However, Leo’s first words really made her move, where she found back her self-esteem.

“Will you wait for me?”

Leo asked seriously.

“I can’t wait. If you don’t like me when you’re eighty, I’ll have waited for you all my life in vain. Leo, I have had blind date, so don’t force yourself. If we still have the chance if we are destined to be together, if not, don’t insist.”

Emily really could not wait, because waiting was the saddest and most painful. It was the most miserable thing.

She would rather marry another man, rather than to wait for a no unknown future. She liked Leo and could not forget him, but she did not want to fall into such a rugged love trap.

Leo was upset, but did not continue to ask. All this was caused by his misjudgment. He could not blame that Emily did not give him a chance, nor did she wait for him.

If he really could not decide what kind of feelings he had for Emily all his life, he would waste Emily’s time.

However, Leo would not give up, he would use his own way to prove his feelings for Emily.

Brian and Winnie drove to the suburbs, but accidentally saw Wendy standing outside the villa. Winnie was immediately embarrassed.

“She hasn’t seen me yet, turn the car around and don’t let her see me, or you’ll be in dilemma again.”

Winnie did not want to make Brian in a dilemma and did not want to mess with Wendy.

Brian looked at Winnie and then followed her instructions and turned the car around.

In fact, he thought that he was to tell the truth to Wendy and Winnie had no need to avoid Wendy. But Winnie must have her reason, Brian could only do as she said.

After parking the car, Brian got out of the car and walked to Wendy, while Winnie, sitting in the car, unconsciously looked in the rearview mirror.

She saw the surprise that Wendy showed on the face when she saw Brian and that she naturally held Brian’s arm.

It was simple and sweet, but she had no right to do such simple things.

Every time she saw Brian, she could not show her happiness and surprise. She loved Brian, and Brian loved her, but they could not walk in front of people holding each other’s arms like lovers.

This was shady love and she had to humble.

“Brian, you come back. I’ve been waiting here for you for quite a while.”

Wendy held Brian’s arm happily, but Brian stretched out his hand to move her hand away in the next moment.

“I told you not to come here, why are you here?”

Brian frowned. He wanted to be quiet for a few days, but Wendy bothered him.

He was happy with Winnie together, but this moment it was destroyed by Wendy.

“I knew your father didn’t like me, and I didn’t dare go in for fear of upsetting him. But now it is the New Year, we cannot meet in a hurry. Brian, I won’t go in since your father doesn’t like me. Why don’t you come with me, and we have a talk?”

Wendy put forward a request, for Wendy, for Brian, it was not too much, but Brian did not want to give himself the opportunity to hesitate. He was afraid that he softened if Wendy shed tears.

“Wendy, I said we will talk when it is time for work. These days I really want to have a good rest and accompany the children.”

“Brian, I’m not your employee, so why wait till work? Why don’t you bring the kids out and we’ll hang out.”


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