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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 376

Klara had to remind Wendy, because the final choice was in the hands of Wendy. Whether Winnie would be angry, it was up to her.

“But you need to think about it, Winnie would not be easy to deal with if she is angry. You have to be prepared to get beaten up. At that time, Penny was beaten several times by Winnie.”

“Yes, it’s still a little way from the hospital. You need to decide whether to apologize or not.”

Laura reminded her too and continued after a moment of pause.

“It’s the best way now. If you get over this, you’ll have your chance. But if you don’t get this right, you’ll never get another chance.”

“Well, there’s something I was going to say. Winnie and I will go to work in the Bennet Group from tomorrow, so Wendy, you will be in more danger.”

Laura’s words were undoubtedly worse to Wendy, but Laura said that for Wendy’s future.

If Wendy could not get it right today, and Winnie would be close to Brian, then Winnie would get Brian.

When Laura finished speaking, there was silence in the car.

Wendy was thinking about what they had said, and the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. Now if she didn’t apologize, there would be no future for her.

The car stopped at the gate of the hospital. As Wendy hesitated in the car for a while, Megan had already been sent to the emergency room.

Winnie waited anxiously outside the emergency room, not knowing what was going on inside.

“Mommy, tell Daddy. Wendy is so cruel that I won’t let Daddy marry such a woman. She would kill me and my sister if they get married.”

Luke was afraid. Wendy’s venomous behavior reminded him of Penny.

In Luke’s eyes, they were the same, they were like Snow White’s stepmother.

“Luke, don’t be afraid. I won’t let you live with them.”

“Daddy has visitors. Your aunt and uncle just came back today. If we call Daddy, the whole family will be worried.”

“Luke, we will tell Daddy tomorrow.”

Winnie had many considerations. What she said was part of her concerns, and some worry was from Uncle Thomas.

She was afraid that Uncle Thomas knew the truth, which would cause troubles to Brian.

Winnie pacified Luke, stood up straight, just to see Wendy walking towards her. At that moment, Winnie was angry and could not control her emotion.

“Luke, stand here, don’t move.”

After that, she strode toward Wendy and slapped on her face without hesitation.

“Wendy, this is for Megan. You even harmed a small child. What’s your distinction with the devil?”

Winnie questioned angrily. This slap for Wendy was the lightest punishment. If she did not slap her, she felt sorry for Megan’s injured feet.

This slap came suddenly, which stunned Wendy.

She had psychological preparation, but did not expect that Winnie would slap her. As Winnie’s voice fell, Wendy came back to her sense.


When she wanted to retaliate, she remembered that she had come to apologize and try to get a chance. So she stopped her anger. But she did not expect that before she stood up straight, Winnie slapped her again.

“This is for me. What you have done to me for so long will never be repaid.”

Winnie was kind and repeated tolerance, but it did not mean that she could be bullied. If was fine to do harm to her, but if she did harm to her children, she would not spare her.

The slap made Wendy’s tears come out. She felt wronged and humiliated at the moment. But she had to bear it.

“Winwin, I’m sorry. I did go too far this time. I was just angry and wanted to teach you a lesson. Absolutely I did not mean to hurt Megan.”

Wendy continued to speak.

“I know that because of Brian, I have become a different person. I have become sensitive, anxious and always afraid of losing him. That’s why I treat you as a rival in love. It’s all my fault. It’s because I’m too stingy and too burdensome. I am sorry, Winwin.”

Wendy’s tears and apologies were very useful, which softened Winnie’s heart.

Wendy’s apology was unexpected.

Winnie thought that Wendy would slap her back or scold her pointing at her nose, and might immediately complain to Brian, but she apologized.

Winnie was silent, thinking about Wendy’s apology at the moment was true or false.

Wendy continued to speak, sobbing.

“Winwin, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt the child. The moment I heard her crying, my heart ached. I have feeling for the children after I spent so much time with them. I said something out of anger and I couldn’t control myself.”

“I apologize to you and to the children. Please forgive me, and I promise it will never happen again.”

“Winwin, I won’t be jealous of you, I won’t be suspicious of you and Brian. Hurting the child today has sobering me up. I won’t guess like that again.”


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