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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 42

After crying for a long time, she calmed down and made a call to Daenerys.

"Is this all true, Daenerys?"

Winnie stifled sobs and asked. And it was like showing off that she had found her son.

"Yes, I personally sent the samples for the DNA tests, so there can be no mistake. Luke is your son. Congratulations!"

Daenerys could hear Qin's sobs and feel her excitement. She was happy for her.

"Yes... Yes ... It's my son. Luke is my son."

Winnie could not help but sob again. She felt real and that she was no dreaming only when hearing Daenerys’ confirmation.

"Don't cry, it's a good thing."

Said Daenerys soothingly.

"Yes, I will not cry. Is Luke all right?"

Winnie wanted to immediately put Luke in her arms to compensate him for the loss of her love in these years.

"I called you for that in the afternoon, but your phone was off. Luke was brought home by Penny, I can't stop her."

Daenerys said, but such a message once again hit Winnie. She remembered that Luke had told her that as long as Daddy was on a business trip, Mommy would beat him.

Thinking of this, Winnie had a bad feeling and quickly hung up the phone.

She clicked on an app on her phone and saw the video immediately.

The screen was dark, but she could hear Luke's trembling voice.

"Where are you, Auntie Winwin? I am so afraid. Auntie, where are you and Daddy?"

Luke said in a low voice with panic and helplessness.

"Luke, don't be afraid, where are you, Luke?"

Winnie was worried, looking at the dark screen. But Luke could not hear anything. The toy bear she gave Luke was a video transmission tool, which was unable to communicate like a mobile phone.

Winnie was restless and anxious with tears falling down. She had no idea what happened to Luke.

She gave Luke the toy bear with cameras, so that she could offer help when Luke had an accident, but now she was too far away to do anything at all.

Winnie forced herself to calm down. Luke said that Penny would lock him in the warehouse after beating him.

Now Luke was in dark environment, he must be in a warehouse. Winnie did not dare to think about it, since Luke must have been abused.

With trembling hands, Winnie backed up the video.

Sure enough...

"Son of a bitch, you always hang out with that bitch Winnie. What's so good about her that you'd rather go to her than go home?"

The scene showed Penny's ferocious face with hysterical invective.

Luke obediently stood in front of her, dare not look up or talk back, he just silently endured it. Seeing this, Winnie burst into tears.

"I am asking you."

Penny continued to ask maliciously. Without waiting for Luke's answer, she stretched out her hand and slapped Luke’s head. Luke was still a child, how could he withstand such a powerful slap directly, so he fell to the ground.

He was in pain. He just silently burst into tears but did not dare to cry aloud. Winnie felt her heart broken for that.

She blamed herself and repented. She would not have given her child away if she had known he was being treated like this.

Winnie felt her heart in pain, crying hysterically.

"You are inhumane, Penny. I will never forgive you for what you did to my child."

Winnie cried loudly. She swore that Penny was her enemy from now on, she would let her pay for what she had done to son.

Winnie put away her phone and went straight out.

She heavily knocked at the door of Brian's room.

Brian was on the phone in the room, with a serious expression. Hearing the knock at the door, he did not put down the phone but walked over to open the door.

Seeing Winnie with tearful face and swollen eyes, instantly he felt distressed.

"Call Penny right now!"

Winnie shouted loudly in panic and came in regardless the fact that Brian was still on the phone.

"I'll call you back."

In a low voice, Brian hung up the phone and walked over to Winnie.

“Why, why are you crying?”

Brian asked in a cold voice. It was obviously a far cry from what it sounded like just now. But Winnie ignored that, she just wanted to make Luke out of the dark fear as soon as possible.

"Call Penny right now and ask her to send Luke to my house."

Winnie was still crying. Seeing Brian, she felt more hateful. She hated him that he did not take good care of the child.

"Luke was picked up by Penny?"

Brian was confused about what was going on.

"Don't ask, now call her and ask her immediately to send Luke to my house."

Winnie begged and cried, having difficulties in breathing. She wanted her to send Luke back as soon as possible, or the child would be hurt psychologically.

Seeing her crying hysterically, Brian did not continue to ask but made a call to Penny.


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