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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 442

Hearing Laura’s words, Winnie patted on her shoulders.

“Love depends on feeling, and it may not be gained by fighting for it. If they really robbed Brian, it means that Brian does not love me, and I should thank them.”

“All right, get to work.”

Winnie smiled and went back to her office.

The last thing she wanted to talk about now was her relationship. When someone asked, she didn't know how to answer.

Thomas thought about it for a night yesterday and finally decided to come to the prison to see Penny.

This time when he saw Penny, Thomas was not kind as before, looking at Penny sitting opposite him coldly.

"What's your relationship with Wendy?"

Thomas asked in a cold tone.

"She wanted to deal with Winnie and did not know what to do, so she came for advice."

Penny showed no respect for Thomas as before, since knowing that this person was Thomas, she realized that Thomas could not simply want to take care of her, he must want to know something from her.

"If my memory serves me, she doesn't know you."

Thomas had doubts and did not her words.

"No, indeed. I was already in prison when she came back. How could she know me? Perhaps it was someone who directed her to me."

Penny said with light disdain, and then she continued.

"What do you want with me?"

Thomas continued to ask in a cold voice.

"Uncle Thomas, why have you suddenly changed your face? You're my most trusted uncle. You've helped me a lot."

Penny gave an insidious smile. She could take this as her handhold.

"Say it, if you don't say it, this is the last time I see you."

Thomas was threatening Penny with cold anger.

"Uncle, you are a jester, you will come to me again. I know more about your nephew than you do. And perhaps I can help you a lot."

Penny was not afraid of Thomas's threat. She had no freedom, but it was not difficult for her to do things.

“What do you mean?”

Thomas was confused, because he did not understand Penny, did not know how much she knew and what she was implying.

"Between you and Brian...I know something about it. If you want to go on, maybe I can help you. But I can't help you here."

Penny did not keep it in suspense, but directly speak out her idea. She believed that Thomas's ambition was still there, or he would not come to see her.

She also believed that Thomas had the ability to get her out. She would not tell him how to deal with Brian now, but getting her out was the most important.

Penny was pleased, but this time Thomas close to the isolation window and whispered.

"As despicable as your father."

Thomas said and sat up straight, this time it was his turn to be pleased.

Looking at Penny’s uncertain and surprised eyes, he knew that Penny had understood his meaning.

Penny had not expected to hear the subject of fathers here.

What was Thomas implying? Did he know her father's whereabouts or had he contacted her father?

Penny wanted to ask something, but she was afraid of being noticed by the prison police and could only keep a low profile.

"Uncle, it is funny. You had better think about my words, in case you really need me."

Penny got up and directly turned to leave. She could no longer chat with Thomas, if she could not control her emotions, a lot of things might be exposed, and she might do something she regretted.

As for her father, she pretended she had heard nothing; after all, there had been no exposure and no concern for her.

Thomas left the prison angrily. He was not a young man, but he got threatened by a girl. What did Richard say to Penny? What did Penny know about enmity between him and Brian?

It seemed that neither father nor daughter was hard to deal with.

Sunday was a day of relaxation for Daenerys. She had endured it for a month and now she could do whatever she wanted to.

In the evening, she gathered all her best friends and began their crazy party.

At the table, everyone rose with glasses in their hands.

"Jelly Bean has been sent to Grandmother's house. I can drink with you. Come on, to my rebirth, cheers!"

The most excited person at the table was probably Daenerys.

She had had such a high spirit for a long time. The ten-month pregnancy and a month of confinement was nearly a year of time. She wondered how she made it.

"Cheers, congratulations on you for finishing a month of confinement."

Emily was as crazy as Daenerys. She thought Daenerys could not drink, but she had arranged the baby in advance.

That was good. They could drink to their heart's content.

Then Winnie also chimed in, the three women drank the wine first, then the man drank it all.


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