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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 468

"You're right. No pains, no gains. Wendy, we'll make it."

Klara encouraged Wendy. However, she was not sure whether they could succeed.

It was not easy to deal with Winnie. She was smart and wise. When she got into a trouble, she would be calm. Wendy was far from as good as her. Winnie had the ability to secretly destroy Wendy. She also had the ability to win Wendy every time.

And whether to deal with Wendy or nor would be up to Winnie.

On the next day, Brian made a phone call to Winnie and chatted with her. He didn't tell her that he met Wendy. Winnie was disappointed, but she didn't ask about it.

Brian must have his reasons for concealing it from her. There was no need for Winnie to ruin his plan. Besides, she was not Brian's wife and therefore she was not eligible to question him.

Winnie just acted as if it hadn't happened, working hard and making preparations for Luke's taking part in the competition abroad.

Before going abroad, she had to make arrangements for her company. Therefore, she went to her company during her lunch break.

"Laura, why are only you here?"

At the hall, Winnie only saw one member of her work team, Laura.

"They go to have lunch. Some of them are having some rest. I've finished my meal, and I'm awake. Therefore, I come back to work."

Laura answered gently. Seeing that Winnie was back, she seemed to be very happy.

"Laura, don't work so hard. Have some rest when you should rest."

As Winnie spoke, she went to her office.

Since she made that mistake, Laura changed a lot, working very hard. It was always her that dealt with the hard work.

She became completely low-key, kind and hard-working.

That thing could be said to be a good thing for Laura. After all, Laura was not young and it was not easy for her to change so much.

Laura got a document, stood up and followed Winnie to her office.

"If you don't come back, I'll make a phone call to you. This is a new project. I've made a preliminary plan, but I think that it needs improvement. Have a look. If there is any problem, I'll revise it."

As Laura spoke, she put the document on Winnie's desk.

Winnie looked at the clock and said with some embarrassment.

"Well, I'll take the document home and give you feed back tomorrow morning."

Winnie came back to deal with other things, so she had no time to go through the plan. However, she shouldn't affect the work of Laura. So she could only take the document home.

"You'll have less time to rest. Winwin, it's too tiring for you to work in two companies."

Laura pitied her.

"I have to do that. When the cooperation ends, I'll be right back. It's indeed to tiring to work in two companies."

Winnie was tired. However, for the cooperation and to earn more money, she had to endure it.

"Why will it be over? Two leaders got a new project. According to them, if the people of the Bennet Group is willing to, our company will still cooperate with the Bennet Group. I guess that it will still be you who will be sent to work in the Bennet Group."

It was the gossip Laura heard.

"Are they going to make me work for the Bennet Group for the rest of my life? I'm not going. They can send anyone but me to work there."

Winnie refused. For the time being, she still didn't attach much importance to this matter.

"Two leaders said that it was effective to cooperate with the Bennet Group and that our company would develop rapidly when cooperated with the Bennet Group. According to them, our company wouldn't just cooperate with the Bennet Group for one or two times. Instead, our company would have constant cooperation with the Bennet Group."

Although it was gossip, Laura believed that it was absolutely true after she analyzed it herself. It was effective to cooperate with the Bennet Group. Besides, the profit was high. Most importantly, the company could become famous. If she were the leader, she would not miss such a cooperation.

"They've got some benefits. Let's talk about it later. Now, I don't have the time to deal with this matter."

Winnie really wanted to get rid of the Bennet Group and make her achievement. Although her company was cooperating with the Bennet Group, others still thought that their company was receiving help from the Bennet Group.

Winnie alone couldn't decide whether to cooperate with the Bennet Group or not. She could only play it by ear.

"By the way, Winwin, have Wendy and Klara made trouble for you recently? Before, when I came home from work, I saw them chatting in the cafe of the community. Could it be that there is a conspiracy?"

Every time Laura met Winnie, she would ask Winnie this question. She had been worried about Winnie all the time.

Hearing that, Winnie sighed helplessly.

"Well, they have never stopped making trouble for me. However, recently, they secretly made trouble for me instead of doing it openly, just like they did before. Several days ago, Wendy asked me to go to the seaside park and provoked me."

When Winnie was about to finished speaking, she put on a bitter smile. If she didn't break up with Brian, she might always be in this kind of trouble in her life.

Even if Wendy and Klara gave up, there would be other women. Brian was too brilliant. It was normal for him to attract women.

"They still haven't given up. What on earth do they want to do? When will they stop?"

Laura was obviously angry. Even her expression changed.

"Winwin, listen, Wendy just wants to marry Mr. Bennet, and she is not smart enough to play a trick. It's Klara that secretly gives her advice. Klara is bad in nature. She will never change."

Laura used to get along with them in their evil deeds, so she knew them well. However, she stopped in time and reformed. However, Klara didn't give up. Before she got the benefits, she wouldn't stop.

"I also believe that Klara has ruthless ambition and that she can never reform. Now, I regret letting her off again and again."

It was too late to regret. It had been in the past. The only thing Winnie could do next was deal with them.

"Winwin, find a way to give Klara a blow. Just tell Mr. Bennet everything, or go to her home and tell her parents. In that way, she won't be able to make trouble for you anymore."

In Laura's opinion, without Klara, Wendy wouldn't be able to think of any way to deal with Winnie and would finally give it up.

"It doesn't work. Now, Klara's not an employee of the Bennet Group, so Mr. Bennet can't do anything with her. It's inappropriate to tell her parents those things. After all, it has nothing to do with her parents. I can't hurt the innocent."

Winnie was too kind to harm the senior citizens and children who were weak. If she did that, even if she won. She wouldn’t feel uneasy.


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