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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 470

After leaving her company, Winnie went to Leo's company. There were also some things that need her advice.

As usual, Winnie arranged work first, and then came to Leo's office.

"Has everything done?"

Leo put down the file in his hand and walked to the sofa.

"Yes, there shouldn't be any major problems during this time."

While speaking, Winnie sat on the sofa.

"Coffee, just brought in, your taste."

Leo sat down as he spoke.

Winnie took a sip of the coffee, it was really her own taste, and couldn't help smiling. Leo was still so warm, and would always understand her better than Brian.

"How are you and Emily?"

Winnie was most worried about this matter, for fear that Emily would leave again secretly.

"She can't let go of what I lied to her, but she still loves me. This is the best for me."

"Don't worry, don't worry about my affairs, I won't let Emily go."

Leo was very sure and confident.

As long as Emily loved him, he would chase Emily at all costs and make Emily become his wife.

"Are you really so confident? Do you want me to talk to Emily again?"

Leo looked very confident, but Emily's attitude was not generally firm. How could Winnie not worry.

"Of course I am confident. How can a man win the love of the girl he likes? Don't help me. You are planning to go abroad, aren't you? Just prepare for Luke."

Leo rejected Winnie's kindness, not because he didn't believe she had the ability to persuade Emily, but because he didn't want her to worry about it, and he didn't want to rely on others to get his love.

"Since you are so confident, hurry up and don't hesitate, don't let Emily run away."

"I've been looking forward to you guys getting married soon, so that I can participate in the wedding and have fun."

Winnie said wistfully.

Regardless of whether she and Brian could be with each other forever in this way, she would never have the wedding. She could only yearn for someone else's wedding and enjoy it.

"Don't you agree that we will hold a wedding together? Why do you want to attend our wedding."

Leo asked unintentionally. However, Winnie got up to leave.

"Don't wait for me. I don't know when I can wear a wedding dress. Are you not afraid to wait until your hair turns white?"

"I am leaving, there are still many things that I have to deal with."

Winnie looked relaxed, but who knew she was bitter.

All women yearn for the day when they put on their wedding dresses, but not all women had this honor. For example, she was the one who was not treated by God.

When her mother gave birth to her, maybe God was dozing off and forgot to put the happiness of marriage on her.

Winnie's words still worried Leo. But at the moment he should be more worried about Emily. Like Winnie said, he cannot allow Emily to leave no matter what. Once she left, his pursuit of love would become rugged.

After getting off work, Leo came to Emily's house again. Fortunately, Emily was at home, and her family was having dinner.

"Mr. Jones, Mrs. Jones, I'm hungry too, may I have dinner with you?"

Leo walked to the dining room as if he was at his own home, but Emily looked a little embarrassed when he saw her.

"Of course you can. It's just a common meal, I don't know if you like it or not."

Emily’s mother Christine liked Leo, who seemed to be a natural socializer. His attitude was not unfamiliar or artificial at all. On the contrary, he gave people a kind feeling.

"I like it. I like it as long as I can have meal with you."

Leo sat down beside Emily unceremoniously, and then the nanny set the tableware.

"From then on, you should often come here and tell me what you want to eat. I will cook it for you."

The more Christine saw Leo, the more she liked him. Leo, who had status and was capable, was not high-profile at all, and did not have the arrogance of a wealthy person. There were really not many easy-going rich people. Leo was the only one she knew.


Emily protested in disapproval. She didn't want to see Leo every day. If that happened, her heart would hurt for a lifetime.

"Look at you. You are still friends, it's normal for him to have dinner with us. If you two can't get married, I plan to accept Leo as my godson. You don't like him but I do."

Christine was happier as she talked about it, wishing that Leo would marry Emily, and she would have an extra son.

"No, I don't want to be your godson, I must be your son-in-law."

Leo's words sounded naughty, but he did think so in his heart. He must win Emily's love, he was determined to be Christine's son-in-law.

"You sincerely don't want me to eat, do you?"

Emily put down her chopsticks and stared at Leo.

"Well, I won't say anymore. Eat, continue to eat."

Leo quickly paused the topic, if Emily was annoyed, he would be kicked out.

"Emily, how do you talk to Leo, don't be rude.

Emily's father also helped Leo.

"Leo, how about a drink with me?"

Emily's father put away his serious expression and asked Leo softly.

"Uncle, I can drink. But I drove over. If I drink, I cannot drive back."


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