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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 478

Brian's heart was already in his throat. If the air ticket could not be booked, he would not be able to go back as quickly as possible. Winnie would be in more danger.

“Within half an hour, there was heavy rain in the city. All flights at the airport have been grounded and roads have been closed for the time being.”

Such hopeless news made Morgan break down, let alone Brian.

Brian stood uneasily, feeling for the first time he was powerless.

Flights were grounded, roads were closed, and he could go back to find Winnie.

“Damn it, not at this time.”

Brian could not help but say dirty words, but also hated himself he left Winnie at this time.

Brian was flustered, but after a while he calmed down. He told himself not to flustered, if he was flustered, Winnie could not be found.

Now the traffic was blocked, but he could make a call. He had to find Winnie via phones.

Thinking of this, Brian called the hotel manager.

“Go to the embassy to find a man, work with him to find Winnie as soon as possible.”

Brian ordered and then called his friend at the embassy.

“My woman is missing. Bring her back to me at once.”


“Yes, you heard me right. It's my woman, my wife. Now it is not the time to ask. Get my wife back at once.”


“Someone will come to you and he will tell you the details.”

“If something happened to her here, I wouldn't spare anyone who has anything to do with it.”

Brian hung up the phone. His heart was still in his throat, even if his friend from the embassy offered help.

Brian was anxious and angry because of Winnie, which made Wendy jealous and shocked. She had been with Brian for so many years, it was plain days. His mood had never fluctuated because of her.

Was this true love? What was good about Winnie and he could do anything for her? He could flatten the city.

“Don't worry, Brian. Nothing will happen to Winwin, she was a good man. The police might just do a routine check, we're foreigners after all, and...”

Wendy gently comforted Brian, but Brian did not listen to it.

Before Wendy could finish her words, Brian suddenly thought of Winnie's mobile phone had a positioning device. So he took out his phone and turned the tracking mode on.

But the tracking software had geographical limit and it could not be traced.

He was to break down. He would have smashed his phone if he did not need it.

“Don't worry, Brian. We can't leave now. Find a place to rest first, calm down and think how to deal with it.”

Although Wendy was embarrassed, she still continued to persuade.

“Mr. Bennet, I have booked a hotel. Let’s go to the hotel and find a way.”

Morgan had already arranged the hotel when Brian called, and he felt that they could not find a way on the road.

As Morgan said that, the three of them went to the hotel together.

When they arrived at the hotel, Wendy had a separate room.

In Brian's room, Morgan kept an eye on the flights or highways.

“Morgan, do two kids know it now?”

Brian stood by the window. The scenery outside the window was very beautiful, but he had no mood to see the scenery. His whole heart was as dark and depressed as the sky.

A storm was coming to the city, and Winnie's sudden disappearance was a storm for him.

“No, but it could not be hid longer, they are looking for her now.”

Morgan replied in a low voice.

“It's my fault. If we'd driven here we could have gone back. I wanted to be faster, so I took a flight, but I did not expect that I couldn't get through to her phone, so I missed the best time.”

Brian blamed himself, but at this time Morgan suddenly thought of a problem.

“Mr. Bennet, Oscar should come over with Wendy on the same flight. Did Sis Winnie see us to pick up Wendy in the airport?”

It was not hard to guess. They should come on the same flight based on the time. If Winnie really knew it, it would be complex.

After listening to Morgan's words, Brian frowned more deeply.

He was in a hurry and forgot Oscar also came these two days.

“It is possible, we will know when we find Oscar and ask him.”

He would ask Oscar instead of Winnie, because Brian knew she won't tell the truth even if he asked her.

“Call the manager and see if the police have contacted the hotel.”

Now the most important thing was to find them first, or it would be an empty talk.

“Not yet.”

“Why, Winwin had ID car, what are they doing?”

Brian questioned angrily, but he did not know who he was asking, and who could give him the answer.

“Brian, Winnie and Oscar are all hacker masters, in foreign countries, this identity is very sensitive. The police will have to make a thorough investigation before they send us to bring them back. Don't worry. Sis Winnie is a good person. She'll be fine.”


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