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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 482

Brian touched Winwin's head with his hand. It felt hot, but, to his relief, she began to sweat, which proved that the fever was beginning to subside.

After checking, he was still not at ease.

"Morgan, arrange a whole body examination for her now."

"Yes, Mr. Bennet."

Morgan went to find a doctor, and the friend of the embassy was still negotiating with the police.

"We'll take care of her, you can watch here. Also, tomorrow morning, on behalf of the embassy, I will formally talk with your leaders. The device in your hand can check out the basic information of our people, but it has been delayed for such a long time that our people could not bear and fell ill. You are clearly intentional, and I would raise objection to everyone involved, you station and your leaders."

After the embassy staff said that arrogantly, he walked directly to Brian.

Now the police were obviously afraid. If it went big, they would lose their jobs, and it would affect a lot of diplomatic matters. Therefore, they did not contradict the embassy staff.

So Winnie was left in Brian's care, but two policemen were left to guard her.

Winnie did not confront Brian, she was finally relieved after a thorough examination.

In the hospital's advanced ward, Winnie's fever had subsided, but she was still lying in bed weakly. And Brian had been sitting on the bed to watch her.

It was at this moment that Brian's nervous heart calmed down.

"What happened, Winwin?"

Brian asked softly when Winnie got better, now he looked different from himself just now like a crazy lion.


Winnie described it roughly.

"It's my fault. I thought the police would get it back sooner and Oscar didn't have to reapply for his ID card. There would have been less hassle if we had asked the embassy for help directly."

Winnie felt it was her moment of oversight caused such a situation.

"Did the police make a hard time for you and Oscar?"

Brian repeated questions, afraid that Winnie would not tell him the truth.

"They locked us up in a temporary cell without questioning or investigating. They didn't even give us water to drink. At supper time, they got off work directly and the ones on duty ignored us. We have not had food yet.”

Winnie was not beaten, but the torture was crushing.

Two policemen were in the hospital room, but Winnie did not fear them and continued to tell what happened to her.

"I have asked Morgan to get some food for you, and also asked the friend from the embassy to meet Oscar."

Brian said gently, but he had scolded the police in heart for countless time.

He wanted to lock up all the policemen and starve them for ten days and nights to see what they could do.

"It is ok to be hungry,, but I couldn't stand the damp and cold nights, or I wouldn't have had a high fever."

Winnie still felt it dark and bleak, like a hell.

"Winwin, I will vent for you. I'm not going to let it go."

Brian said angrily staring at the two policemen.

The two policemen looked around, obviously they were afraid.

"Is Oscar all right?”

Winnie asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, he'll be all right."

"How about the children, did they cry?"

When Winnie asked about the children, her voice began to shake. She did not dare to imagine what the children should do if she was missing. If Brian did not come to her, would the children live in a lifetime with expectation?

"Megan cried, but Luke was tough. He's been taking care of his sister. But don't worry, I told them I found you. Take a rest, eat and sleep and you will be all right."

Brian felt at ease after confirming Winnie was all right. He would take care of the police and the one behind the scene.

Wendy was arranged by the hotel manager to stay in his hotel, but she did not know it was Brian's hotel.

She kept fidgeting in the hotel. If it could not be handled well, she would be in trouble based on Brian's attitude.

She did not know how long she had been worried in her room, only that her heart had been agitated, and that it had been hanging there with a torturous feeling.

Just when she didn't know what to do, someone called.

As soon as the phone was connected, there was an urgent voice from the other side before Wendy could speak.

"It's a bit of a mess. Now the embassy is involved and they may lose their jobs. When it comes to diplomacy between the two countries, it's even more troublesome."

The man spoke, but Wendy was terrified.

"What, how could it be so serious?"

What she had been worried happened, Wendy did not know what to do now.


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