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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 499

Brian was very happy. He had been looking forward to this scene for a long time. When he came home, her children run to him and his wife waited for her. Back to a warm and sweet home was the happiest thing in life.

"You are garrulous, I don't know since when this mouth doesn’t belong to Brian. Brian talked less, cold and domineering. You are like a ruffian now..."

"What did you say? I am a ruffian?"

Brian interrupted Winnie with a smile. If she continued, he could not imagine what kind of person he was in her mouth. Would he be a womanizer?

"It is a slip of the tongue, you still have a gap from ruffians. The ruffians talk cheerfully and humorously and you..."

"Stop, stop describing. I'm going to find a hole to get into."

Brian understood Winnie's jokes. She meant he was not even as good as the ruffian.

To punish Winnie for her slip of tongue, Brian immediately silenced Winnie so that she could not describe what kind of person he was.

The next day, Luke's competition continued.

It was the final, the most exciting competition.

Compared to the previous several competitions, Luke tightened his nerves. It was not because he was nervous, because he told himself to be serious and must focus on the competition.

"Mom, I get nervous if you look like this."

Luke said with a smile. He could not help but felt funny seeing his mother nervously rubbing her hands.

"I'm sorry, Luke, I am really nervous. But don't worry about it. You don't need to be nervous."

When it came to the last minute, Winnie could not help being nervous.

"Son, don’t be affected by Mom, if you are not nervous, Mom will not be nervous. Fighting, son!"

Brian took Winnie's hand and pulled her to his side, afraid that Winnie's tension infected Luke. At the same time, he encouraged his son.

"Dad, Uncle Oscar, Mom, you can rest assured, I am not nervous at all, I will try my best in the competition."

Luke, like a small adult, comforted a few adults. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous at all, but he could control the intensity of the tension, and once he started the competition, he had no extra mind to be nervous, so Luke was not afraid.

"Good, we believe you, Luke, we rest assured. I have to remind you, be adaptable, don’t be too persistent."

Oscar was the most confident one to Luke, but no one could guarantee that if there was an emergency, so he had to remind Luke.

"Ok, I will remember."

Luke gave Oscar a confident smile.

"All right, go on. We await your good news."

After Oscar and Luke gave high-fives, Luke came to the competition calmly.

This competition was very intense. Although they were kids at about 8 years old, they were more serious than adults.

In particular, Luke, as if no one else was around, was highly concentrated in the competition.

The audience today was also in highly tense atmosphere. Winnie's hand had been held by Brian. Her heart was about to jump out of throat and even her breath became careful.

"I will not go with him for Luke’s next competition. It is suffering. If the competition lasts a long time, I will probably faint."

In order to ease her nervous mood, Winnie whispered to Brian.

Brain first smiled. Although he was too nervous, he was not as nervous as Winnie.

"This is a world class competition and the tension should be at its highest. After this, it's trifles. You can handle it."

Brian attached to the ear of Winnie and whispered, in order to relieve her tension.

"Why are you so nervous? Are you nervous because Luke will win or won't win?"

Oscar chimed in in a low voice. When he saw the final title, he already had a certain degree of confidence and was not so nervous.

"It doesn't matter if he wins the championship, after all he is still young. I just want to him to advance a little bit."

Brian thought so, and Winnie could not guarantee the results.

"What's the point of being nervous? I guess he can rank the third."

Oscar was afraid that Brian and Winnie would be disappointed, he could only say in a conservative way.


Brian was skeptical.

"Yes, you can do whatever you want to me if he can’t win the third."

He assured, but he did not sat it was conservative.

"That's a relief to me. Winwin, don't be nervous. Third in the world is a very high achievement."

Brian tilted his head to comfort Winnie.

"My nervousness has nothing to do with the result. I don’t care which place he gets, I'm nervous about the process."

Winnie's tension could not reduce by appeasing. She knew her son better than Oscar and knew that what Oscar said was conservative. Thought she knew everything, she was still nervous, because the process was more important.

"There's nothing we can do. We could only wait until the competition is over."

Brian said with a smile, he has been incompetent for Winnie's tension. The only thing to do was to hold Winnie's hand and feel the sweat in her palm.

"Hopefully there won't be extra time, or Winwin will be carried out."

Oscar was also smiling, but his voice was small, even Brian next to him could not hear it.

The competition lasted longer than the previous ones, and it was a long time of suffering for Winnie. Fortunately, Winnie endured it until the competition finally was over.


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