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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 516

Vanessa thought that she should call Felix Grandpa as Stella in the respect of the elders, but she forgot that Felix did not even pay attention to her sister, and her sister did not call him grandpa, so it would be too much if she called him Grandpa.

"Just call me Grandpa Felix."

Felix felt that the address of “Chairman” sounded uncomfortable. With that, he sat down on the sofa in the living room.

He had seen Vanessa before. Because she looked alike Stella, there was a sense of intimacy. He had a good impression of her, and he liked kids who worked hard and were willing to learn.

Vanessa was naughty as a child, but was sensible than her peers. That was why Felix did not dislike her.

The more he looked at her, the more he felt she was similar to Stella. At the thought of Stella, Felix asked.

"Stella is not here?"

"She went to the airport to meet Joshua."

Rufus answered Felix's question.

"Is Joshua back?"

Felix continued in a calm voice.

"Yes, he had finished the work and will work at home."

Rufus said that with a happy look. It was a piece of happy news for him. After all, his daughter and son-in-law no longer had to live in different places.

"Good. It is good to come back."

Felix sighed and seemed to feel a sense of relief.

"Grandpa Felix, Rufus, you talk. I'll help in the kitchen and tell them to cook something Grandpa Felix likes. We can have lunch when Stella and her husband come back."

Vanessa rarely said flattering words to others, but she wanted to live a good impression to Felix, hoping he could be good to her sister.

She felt embarrassed and depressed, because Felix gave her a sense of pressure, so she was inhibited. She’d better leave with excuse.

"Someone is already in the kitchen."

Rufus did not want Vanessa to help, but he could not be so direct, he could only say so.

Vanessa knew Rufus was concerned about her, so she gave a grateful smile.

"A lady had a family emergency and left, leaving only two people in the kitchen. I can help with what I could."

Vanessa really didn't want to stay in a space with Felix, and it was not polite back to her room and not appropriate to find an excuse to go out. The best place she could stay was the kitchen.

"Can you cook?"

Felix asked.

"A little, wash rice and vegetables, help cut vegetables, I am quite good at it. Grandpa Felix, you talk to Rufus, I'm going to help."

With that, Vanessa turned to the kitchen to help. Felix looked at Vanessa's back with emotion.

"She is very sensible like her sister. There are very few such kids now. Nowadays, the social atmosphere is not good. Even the poor children are spoiled. No one will help to cook at such a young age."

"Both of them are sensible. Even Luke and Megan are cleverer than the children of the same age. The two children are filial, no matter what they eat, they will give the adults first before they eat."

They were both sensible, but Rufus felt distressed about that. If their parents were alive, they would be spoilt too. How could one of them support the family and the other studied hard to change the situation?

"Vanessa and I talked these days. She said she could cook, wash clothes and clean the house. Whenever she is at home during holidays, she would do housework.”

"She said that her aunt and sister had done so much for her, and that she had nothing to return. She could only study hard and do what she could."

At this thought, Rufus felt distressed and felt guilty to Vanessa.

"As the saying goes, the children of poor families take care of the family early. She has good character and good performance in school, she must be a talent in the future."

Felix heard Rufus's pity for the two sisters, but he did not see the guilt of Rufus because he did not look into his eyes.

It had been over ten days since Daenerys and Emily went to find Wendy, but they were still angry about it.

While walking in the shopping mall, they walked about Wendy.

"Did you tell Winwin about our meeting with Wendy?"

Emily asked Daenerys looking at her.

"No, you said you would call her, so I didn't call her."

Daenerys thought Emily had told Winnie, so she had not mentioned about it.

"Did I? I forgot."

Emily did not remember she had said that, but since Daenerys said so, it must be that she had forgotten.

"We need to call and tell her. Daenerys, see the clothes there. You try on the clothes and I'll call Winwin."

So the two walked into a women's clothes shop.


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