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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 527

Winnie was touched, she could not help but crying in Brian's arms.

She did not expect that Brian, who was reserved, would express his deep gratitude express his attitude and his heart in face of everyone. She never thought that he would say he loved her in a serious attitude in face of so many people.

She was touched. It was sudden, Winnie did not know what to say, and could only allow her tears flow.

"It is enough that you said these words."

Yes, it was enough for her to recall these words for a lifetime. She should write that in the diary and let it take root in her heart.

Not only Winnie was touched by his words, and Daenerys and Emily could not help but wipe tears.

In their opinion, it was worth that Winnie had been through all the suffering, after suffering, Winnie would only have a sweet life.

Winnie cried for a long time before she stopped. Brian picked up the glass.

"You witness for me, supervise me. I will protect Winnie all my life, and only love Winnie all my life. Here, cheers."

Brian drank up as his voice fell. It was not wine, but everyone's witness, his promise to Winnie.


Everyone was willing to be a witness and then drank up happily.

Everyone was happy, only Leo and Emily from time to time felt distressed and was touched by some scene from time to time.

Both had something in mind, but on such an occasion, they would not say it.

Emily didn't drink too much, but because of her mood, she soon got drunk.

"Winwin, do you have a room for me, if you do, I will drink a lot."

"Yes, there are plenty of rooms in my house. You can all stay here."

Winnie smiled and answered Emily, knowing that she was drunk.

"But Leo will not let you stay in my house."

Winnie then joked about Emily.

"He... He's too drunk to care about me."

Emily wanted to say she and Leo had broken up, but she was afraid of destroying the rare atmosphere, so she decided to say it after this day.

"No, Leo knows it well. When you drink, he doesn't drink too much. Just relax and drink. He will take care of you."

As her voice fell, Winnie saw Brian picked up another glass of wine, so she walked to him.

"Why are you still drinking? You can't drink too much."

Winnie grabbed Brian's glass, but Brian avoided it.

"It is ok, I will be fine with you here."

With that, Brian bowed his head and attached to er ear, whispered.

"You help me with tonight's diary."

Today he was with Winnie all day. Winnie knew all the things that happened. It was no problem to write it down for him.

"You should control yourself."

Winnie was still afraid. She felt distressed that Brian had a headache, that kind of torture was unbearable.

"I know, I will control it."

Brian felt that he was the happiest person at the moment, with care from Winnie.

Emily stood for a while and she felt tired, so she came to Daenerys and sat down.

"Winwin will be have a happy life. Look, Brian cares about her."

Emily said and associated with her own. Actually, she would like to have such a man to love her, but she did not know if this man had been born or now.

"Do you envy? If you forgive Leo, you will have a happy life too."

Daenerys whispered, for fear that Winnie would hear here and it would affect the atmosphere tonight.

"Don't joke, I don't hate Leo, why should I forgive him? My happiness depends on my man, why bother Leo?"

Unconvinced, Emily said, not only Leo was a man, not only Leo could give her happiness. On the contrary, Leo made her in tears.

"Your man? Tell me where your man is?"

Daenerys teased. In addition to Leo, Emily had no man.

"In the womb."

Emily answered, and she could not help laughing.

"Then you'll have to be patient."

As Daenerys' words just fall, before she said the next word, she saw Leo coming this way.

Daenerys directly stood up.

"I'll see if Kevin drinks too much, he won't be able to go home if he is drunk."

Daenerys left with an excuse to create Leo and Emily a chance to talk alone.

Before Emily figured out what happened, Leo had sat down in front of her.

After seeing Leo, she said in a low voice.

"Don't say anything today. Winwin and Brian are rarely so happy. I don't want to upset them."


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