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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 53

Brian did not break any bones but suffered serious bruises. The doctor told him that he must rest and cannot move.

They tossed about in the hospital. As they got home, the kids had been picked up by Daenerys.

Seeing that Brian jumping with one foot, the kids were worried.

"What's wrong with you, Uncle?”

"Does your foot hurt, Daddy?"

Asked the two children together.

"It doesn’t matter."

Brian said in a low voice.

"Uncle, are you injured? Does it hurt?"

To Brian’s surprise, Megan cried for that. But Brian inexplicably felt warm by that.

"Megan, don't cry, I am fine."

Brian comforted Megan and his eyes became less cold.

"I feel distressed about it, you must be in pain."

Megan sobbed and felt tense looking at Brian's injured ankle.

It made Winnie feel depressed, even Daenerys was moved.

Daenerys walked up to Brian and asked.

“Are you all right?”

She met Brian several times, but they did not have deep communication. If he were not Luke's father, she would not contact such a cold man.

"I am fine."

It was indifferent tone, which made Daenerys tremble all over.

"Winwin, I have a client to meet, I am leaving."

After Daenerys left, Winnie began to take care of Brian.

She helped Brian to sit on the sofa and took good care of him.

“Put your feet on the sofa. The doctor said it should not stay in the air for too long.”

Winnie was about to help, but Megan moved ahead of her.

"I can take care of Uncle, Mommy."

Megan's small face was still red because she cried just now.

"Ok. Be careful and don’t hurt Uncle."

Winnie did not deprive the child’s love, got up and let Megan do it.

"Mommy, I won't hurt Uncle, because I will hurt if he hurts."

While saying, Megan squatted down to help.

Rather than that Megan carried Brian's foot onto the sofa, he put them up by himself.

"Thank you, Megan."

Winnie was surprised that Brian, such a proud and cold man, said thank you. It was his foot that hurt. Did his head hurt too?

"You're welcome, Uncle. As long as you don't feel pain, I can offer my help."

Megan said softy, which made Brian's heart feel warm.

"Megan, take good care of Uncle, I will get the dinner ready."

Winnie could not bear to see that. She felt that she was committing a crime and she would find an excuse to leave the sad scene.

"Wait a minute."

Brian stopped Winnie, and then said to Luke.

"Luke, go and bring the medicine box."

After receiving the command, Luke quickly ran to get it, and then put the medicine box on the side of Brian.

"Come here."

Brian commanded, looking at Winnie.

Winnie had almost known what Brian wanted, but he stood there without making any response.

However, Brian did not wait patiently. He reached out to drag Winnie to his side and sit down.

He opened the medicine box to find disinfectant and a cotton swab to start disinfecting Winnie's forearm.

"I'll do it myself."

Winnie said, Brian’s concern made her flattered but she could not accept it.

She remembered what Brian said on the way to get off work. That was his truth face to her.

"Don't move."

Brian was dominious and did not allow Winnie to withdraw her arm.

Winnie tried several times, but she failed and had to obey.

"Why is there a scar?"

Brian inadvertently saw a small scar on the edge of Winnie's injury. Although it was not big or deep, Brian thought it was an eyespot.

Winnie looked over her arm and knew what Brian was referring to. It reminded her of the moment she was pushed down four years ago.

She was angry about that but she did not show it.


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