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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 530

Hearing Winnie's words, Daenerys laughed.

"Isn’t this a joke? If she has such awareness as you, she would not attack you."

"Winwin, you know why everyone thinks you're their enemy? That's because the only person Brian loves is you, and only by taking you away from Brian can others have a chance."

Daenerys was right in analysis. It started from love. Penny, Wendy, even Klara were jealous of Winnie who could have Brian's love.

Because jealousy, they grew hatred and regarded Winnie as an enemy. And these people would take avenge and that was why Winnie had suffering.

"It makes sense. Does Brian really love me like they think?"

Winnie asked Daenerys.

She could feel Brian loved her. But she was not sure how deep the love was and whether it was the only love, because of the girl in the picture, because Brian defended Wendy again and again.

"How do you think? If he does not love you, how can you get into trouble?"

Daenerys gave Winnie a blank look.

"I want you to be careful. We can't stop Wendy from making trouble for you. You can only be careful and protect yourself."

The bottom line was Winnie.

"I know. I'll be careful. You know, I'm actually glad it's Wendy who's picking on me. At least she is not so cruel as Penny. She was timid and kind, so she will not kill me. If she could do anything like Penny, I wouldn't be able to cope with it."

Winnie had the same idea as Oscar. Penny was not so vicious and strong, so it was not so difficult to deal with her.

"You are so optimistic."

"Actually, I do not understand why you have blindly tolerance? Why don’t you fight back? It's like a war between you and Wendy. Defense is important in a war, but it cannot win, let alone stop the war. You have to learn to attack to get things done."

Daenerys persuaded Winnie, wanted her to take the initiative, and then in the shortest time solved the trouble. It was the only way to lessen her danger.

As soon as she finished her words, Winnie laughed out.

"Aren’t you exaggerating too much? You even compared it to a war."

Winnie laughed, but felt Daenerys was reasonable. But it was not a war time, active attack could only make more enemies and hatred more profound.

Because if no one was afraid of you, no one was going to surrender, and no one was going to give anything good away. After all, people were selfish.

The two talked, and soon the time passed. The man they were waiting for arrived downstairs.

Leo was the first to arrive. He did not find Emily's car, so he had been waiting downstairs. When Emily came, they went upstairs together.

Two people in the elevator were silent. Leo tried to speak for several times, Emily avoided it with her body language. They went to the door and Emily stopped.

"I will tell Winwin and try not to make her worry. Let's just say we still don't think our relationship is right for each other and we'll keep going as friends."

Emily had to tell Leo in advance, so that Winnie would not have a burden.


After hearing Leo's answer, Emily reached out and rang the doorbell.

"Have you booked your flight?"

Leo seized the time and asked Emily.


As Emily answered, and before Leo ask which day she would fly, they saw Brian walking out of the elevator.

As soon as he reached them, the door opened.

"You came up together?”

Winnie felt surprised that three people had met.

"We were here first, and your husband ran into us at the door."

Emily made a joke which was no funny with a heavy heart.

Then everyone came in and sat down on the sofa.

"Daenerys, we're all here. Say what you want."

Winnie had been curious, she could not wait since everyone was there.

"I will say it..."

Before Daenerys and Emily said a word, Leo spoke ahead.

He was a man, he should bear the responsibility. He had promised Emily, but he felt that he should be the one to say it.

Emily looked at Leo with surprise, but she did not make a sound to stop him.

"Winwin, Brian, what I want to say is about me and Emily."

"We tried, but it didn't work out. So we have broken up."

It was not the first time that Leo said the words “break up”, but only this time he felt his heart in great pain.

Winnie froze for a moment and then looked back at Brian and then at Daenerys and Emily.

After looking at them, she was sure Leo was not joking.


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