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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 539

Seeing that Wendy’s mood changed, Klara raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"Of course, but it depends on whether you are willing to accept the hope."

"If you don't love Mr. Bennet and are willing to give up all that he can give you, give up now. If you are still in love with him, go after your love bravely."

Although Klara gave Wendy two choices, she hoped Wendy would not give up. If Wendy gave up, she would not have anyone to use.

"Alas...... Winnie. Winnie hasn’t given up, why should I give up? Anyway, my family is better than Winnie’s."

Wendy gave her answer, at this time she remembered what Klara to her and she had not had the money back yet.

She would hold on for a while, even for the money.

"You are right. You don't have to care about Gloria. I can guarantee that she won't be Mr. Bennet."

Klara secretly laughed in the heart. She knew that Wendy would not give up Brian and his money. Although Wendy was also rich, she was only richer than Klara. If compared with Brian, Wendy's money was a drop in the bucket.

Back home in the evening, Brian told Winnie that Gloria’s father gave him an invitation. He wanted to confirm Winnie’s thought, if Winnie opposed, he would immediately remove the relationship with Gloria.

Hearing that, Winnie was silent.

What could she say when Brian gave her a difficult problem to deal with? If she opposed, it was against the will of Felix, but if she did not oppose, she actually minded it.

Brian did not respond to the gossip, so neither Gloria. So even if it was big, it was just speculation. But Brian appeared in public with Gloria, it proved that gossip was truth.

"Do what you think."

Winnie decided not to oppose.

She had already mapped out the route for herself, so just keep going. Brian was just a lesson in her life, learn from it, and don’t take it seriously.

"If Gloria and I show up as boyfriend and girlfriend, then our cooperation will officially begin."

If Brian knew what to do, there was no need to ask Winnie, but afraid of hurting Winnie, he must be careful.

"It started when you weren't trying to stop the news."

For the definition of the beginning, Winnie had her own views. Now the whole city knew about it, what was the point to ask her now?

"Go, and keep your promise. It's okay on my side. I understand."

Winnie knew that Brian was waiting for her words. Since she said that, Brian would not have a burden. Since her words could make Brian feel at ease, she could say it several times.


Brian took a sigh and took Winnie into her arms.

"I owe you more and more. Winwin, no matter how much I owe you, you can't leave me. Just think of me as a selfish person, and you pity me. I'll make it up to you when we're settled."

"I cook for you every day, wash your feet every day, massage you every day, pick you from work every day, and I buy you a bunch of flowers every day, so that you live happily ever after."

Winnie's words did make Brian less guilty, but he felt afraid. Thinking of what Vanessa said in the morning, he was afraid that Winnie would leave him.

He admitted that he had been too selfish, but without Winnie, he even had no motivation to be selfish.

“Well, I won't leave you. I'll wait for you. I wait for you to do these things for me every day."

No matter what Brian said, Winnie obeyed and agreed blindly. As long as her words could make Brian happy, even if it was false, at least at the moment Brian could be pleased.

As for whether she could wait for Brian to do those things, it depended on destiny.

"I went to see Vanessa today, and she seemed very disappointed in me."

Brian told Winnie.

"She is emotionally unstable and doesn't know what's going on. Whatever she said, don't take it to your heart. In a few days when it is settled, she will forget about it."

Winnie could guess what Vanessa said.

When Vanessa was angry, it was easy to deal with. She must have said tough words and it would embarrass Brian.

"Vanessa is right, I didn't do a good job. I didn't do anything well about you. I didn't think in your shoes. I want to say sorry to you and please don’t leave me."

"Vanessa told me to set you free. Even though I know I'm not good enough, I just don't want to let you go."


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