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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 541

Winnie was excited when it came to the past. Back then, she was busy, but she was energetic.


"Things are different now. I've paid off my debt, Vanessa studies in college, and my children have grown up. But I'm tired mentally."

At this, Winnie heaved a sigh.

"I know I am tired because of Brian, but I don't blame him. If I can control my heart, I won’t be so tired. I want to fight for it and want to have Brian around me. I want him to be belonged me alone, but I think I will be more tired if I do that."

Winnie did not want to fight with others, not that she would not, but that she was afraid that she was hurt more deeply in the process, afraid that Brian's position was not clear enough, and she would fight in vain.

"Don't say anymore. You are too good, and anyone bullies you."

"What would you do about Gloria? They have made their relationship public. And you have showed up in the media before, do you want to become the laughing stock of all people?"

Daenerys was angry about it. Two days before that, Brian guaranteed Winnie in front of everyone. Hearing that, they felt warm in heart, but now he was with another woman.

"What can I do? Give it to time. No one will remember me as time passed."

It was said that time is the best medicine, but it had no effect in Winnie. She could not forget the one she would forget and could not leave the person she should leave. It had been six years since they met in the hilltop villa. She did not forget anything, but got more and more troubles.

"Gloria has a powerful family, Felix must will grasp this opportunity. What will you do it they get married?"

Daenerys continued.

"What can I do? I will live with my children and Vanessa. To be honest, I really want Brian to get married. As soon as he gets married, I will take the children home to live with my aunt and Vanessa. We will lead a peaceful life and no one would cause troubles to me."

Winnie thought so. She would have a heartache if Brian got married, but it was better than being tortured by his side for a lifetime.

"Alas...... you think it is easy. If it goes on like you want and you can get it over, there will be no difficulties in this world."

Emily felt distressed for Winnie, but she could do nothing. The key point did not lie on Winnie, but Brian's love for Winnie was not certain enough.

"You're right. There's nothing to worry about. As long as we don’t mind it, there is no trouble."

Winnie laughed and self-ridiculed. It seemed that she had not been beaten by reality.

"Look, you have a good attitude. Are we comforting you, or are you comforting us?"

Daenerys was speechless. She knew that Winnie pretended to be fine. Every woman cared about her love and did not want the man she loved to marry someone else.

She said that because she didn't want to look sad.

"We are comforting each other."

Winnie smiled and then got up.

"Come on, let's keep climbing."

Who knows what would happen tomorrow? Maybe tomorrow Brian would let her go, maybe tomorrow she would be happy. At the moment, it’d better to climb the mountain and see the sun today.

After going down the mountain, Emily and Daenerys walked with Winnie for one afternoon before they left.

When Winnie returned home, the two children had already returned from the classes. Because Vanessa would go home to sleep on Saturday night, Winnie was worried, so she went back to accompany Vanessa.

"Rufus, I won't have dinner at home tonight. I'll go and see Vanessa. Don't wait for me in the evening. I'll stay at home with Vanessa."

“I'll call Brian to see if he will come back...”

At this, Winnie suddenly remembered that Brian and Gloria attended the anniversary today.

"Don't wait for Brian, Rufus. He has gone to a party."

Winnie did not say where he went, afraid the two children heard it.

"Ok, I see. You stay with Vanessa and bring her back tomorrow if you are not busy. The food of school cafeteria must be worse than that of our home. Go back and cook her something nice."

Vanessa said she would come on holiday, but she did not. She must still mind that thing, plus Brian’s blind date had been exposed, Vanessa must be more disappointed.

"Ok, I'll bring her back tomorrow if I am not busy."

Winnie could see that Rufus liked Rufus from his eyes, as if he missed his own daughter. But it was up to her if Vanessa would come back, but Vanessa herself.

"Mom, brother and I want to see aunt, too. Please take us with you."

Megan put forward the request. Rufus then said.

"Go, go, Vanessa must miss the children. Let them play longer."

Rufus considered for Vanessa, Knowing that Vanessa and two children were good.

"Well, then, I'll take them with me."

After Winnie said that, she took two children back to the city.

As Winnie got home, Vanessa was already at home.

"Sister, I have washed the clothes and cleaned the room. You said Megan and Luke would come back, so I have cleaned up their rooms. I'll go down to buy some food, and we can have a nice meal."

Vanessa said to Winnie while playing with the children.


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