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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 543

Stefan got off and went to open the door at the side of the copilot.

"I am sorry that I have bothered you after having dinner at your restaurant. And you have to carry me again and again."

Winnie was indeed embarrassed to bother Stefan.

"You don't need to say that. You've said it several times."

"If you're really embarrassed, cooperate with me and let me get back to the restaurant as soon as possible."

Stefan said so, because he was afraid Winnie would refuse him.

"All right, then."

Winnie did not hesitate and allowed Stefan to carry her.

They walked toward the door of the community and as they entered the lobby on the first floor, they heard Brian's voice behind them.


Brian came in behind and saw Megan and Luke, so he called them.

Megan heard her father's voice and quickly ran to Brian.

"Dad, Mom's hurt. Her foot is hurt."

Megan said pointing at Winnie. Brian then found Winnie was carrying by a man.

He quickly ran a few steps to Winnie.

"What happened? How did you hurt your foot?”

Brian asked with concern and looked up and down at Winnie.

Before Winnie gave an answer, Brian directly picked Winnie up from Stefan's back.

"Nothing, I just got sprain."

Winnie answered Brian calmly.

In the arms of Brian, she felt more secure. She always felt not right when Stefan carried her.

"She sprained her foot in my restaurant, Mr. Bennet."

Stefan explained. It had nothing to do with him, but it happened in his restaurant, so he felt guilty about it. The most important person was Winnie.

"Is it serious? Have you seen a doctor?"

Hearing that, Brian found that Winnie's right ankle swelled and felt distressed about it.

"We just came back from the hospital, Mr. Brooks helped me..."

"Yes, Stefan drove us to the hospital, paid the medical bills, and carried my sister back. Stefan left his business to help us."

Before Winnie could finish her words, Vanessa loudly interrupted her.

She said that to Brian, wanting to let him know that there was someone to take care of her sister even if he was not around.

Brian knew what Vanessa meant and that she was still angry. But this was not the time to talk about family affairs.

"Mr. Brooks, thank you for taking care of Winwin."

Brian said politely. Even if he felt uncomfortable that his woman was carried by him, Stefan offered her help.

"Never mind, Mr. Bennet. Hurry upstairs. The doctor said she needs cold compress."

"I have to get back, too. I have business at the restaurant."

Stefan turned and left, Vanessa thanked him again.

"Stefan, thank you. We will treat you to dinner when my sister is well."

"Don't say that. It doesn’t matter."

"I gotta to go. Take good care of your sister."

Stefan felt guilty and was embarrassed to accept Vanessa’s thanks.

"Drive carefully, Stefan."


After Stefan left, they walked into the elevator. Vanessa did not give Brian a black face, but she said no word.

Back home, Vanessa went back room with two children and left Winnie to Brian.

Brian sent Winnie to the bed in the bedroom, and then helped Winnie with cold compress.

"You always got sprain. You were so careless."

Brian felt distressed.

"I accidentally sprained when I was walking down the stairs. It's okay. It didn't hurt my bones and it will be fine in two days."

"Why are you home so early?”

Winnie asked Brian. She thought Brian would be back in the middle of the night.

"I was so bored and embarrassed, so I left with an excuse."


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