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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 559

She had never said it to Brian, but today she told Stefan, because Brian would not listen to such a thing, but Stefan was a silent listener.

She drank up a glass of wine to herself in the past.

Then she continued to say in a low voice.

"It doesn't include the money to compensate the other party, and it doesn't include the medical bills for my mom and my sister."

"My parents and my sister had a car accident on their way to the airport to meet me in MG to avoid debt. My dad died instantly, my mom was in intensive care, and my sister..."

Speaking of this, Winnie could not help but shed tears. These memories were the pain of her life, no matter when she thought of it, she was sad.

Stefan felt Winnie’s sadness, but he did not say anything, but handed tissue to Winnie.

He was not cold-blooded, but because wanted Winnie to say everything out to release herself. If she continued to be depressed, it was really driving her crazy.

Winnie took the tissue to wipe her tears and said in embarrassment.

"Sorry that you have to hear this."

"What are you talking about? We are friends, sure I am willing to hear it. I thank you for trusting me to tell me about your family."

Hearing that, Winnie felt warm in heart.

"Then you have to have a strong heart, I just released a little pressure."

Winnie joked though she was depressed, pretending to be tough.

This time she poured the wine herself and drank it up.

"I borrowed from all my friends and relatives to get money for my mother's medical bills. Daenerys was the only one who could help me. The rest avoided our families."

"But I need so much money, and Daenerys could not help me too much, so I had to go through a surrogate agency."

It surprised Stefan. He thought of many kinds of possibilities that Winnie and Brian were together, he even thought that Winnie was with him for money, but he did not expect the possibility of surrogate.

Winnie continued.

"That was why I met Brian and my two kids were born through a surrogate. But I did not expect to meet Brian again and I will be entangled with the Bennet family.”

"Brian's grandfather was domineering, and I could only stay with Brian to take care of the two kids in this way."

"I don't blame Brian or his grandfather. I stay with him because of my two kids. I don t want them to grow up without a mother.”

Winnie stopped crying, but her heart was in pain.

She didn't pour the wine into the glass, but picked up the bottle and drank directly. If Stefan hadn't grabbed the bottle, she might have drunk it up.

"You can’t drink like this. How can you release if you drank too much?"

"Winwin, drink slowly and speak slowly. After that, you will be relieved and have the courage to continue to face the future life."

Stefan enlightened her. If Winnie continued to drink, she could not go to work for several days, and the intention of the release could not be achieved.

"All right, as you say. Drink slowly and speak slowly."

"Bran had a blind date and is going to marry another woman. I never said a word against it. All I asked was not to hurt the children. But he disregarded anything and made a big scene again and again. He just has a relationship, why he made the whole country know about it?"

"He can ignore my feelings, but he can't ignore the children’s feeling. Hasn't he thought about how sad and disappointed the children would be if they know it?"

Winnie shed tears again. She did not want to cry, because she deserved, no one would pity her even if she cried, but she could not help it and tears kept following down.

Stefan was distressed and helpless about it. After he handed the tissue to Winnie, he persuaded her.

"Winwin, Mr. Bennet may have his reason. I can see that he cares about you. He loves you. I don't think he would have done it if he hadn't had a reason."

Winnie gave a bitter smile.

"I understand him. I understand everything about him. Everything I did was in his shoes."

"You know, since I've been with him, I haven't asked him to do anything for me. I haven't spent him a penny. I live in his house, but I buy food, afraid that he thinks I covet his money."


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