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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 562

She was drunk, but some of her memories were pretty clear. Winnie remembered everything except the time she spent in the hotel until three in the morning.

She remembered Brian's news, the conversation between her and Stefan, vomiting on the way and Vanessa's phone call.

She remembered all the sad things, but after she got drunk and talked with Stefan, she felt much better and less negative.

Winnie lay on the bed, thinking and rubbing her drowsy head. She was glad it was the weekend, otherwise it would have seriously affected her work.

Vanessa was worried about Winnie during the whole meal, so she soon finished eating.

"You two eat slowly. When you finish, go upstairs and clean up your rooms. I will check which room is cleaner. I will take whoever is good downstairs to play."

Vanessa coaxed the kids so that she got some time for herself.

After that, she went to Winnie's room.

She came to Winnie's bedside. Seeing that her sister was gloomy, she could not help but sigh.

"Shall I go downstairs and get you some antidote?"

"No, I didn't sleep well. I'll be fine after a rest."

Winnie was really uncomfortable, but she could not say it out, or Vanessa would be more worried.

"Vanessa, are you free today?"

Winnie asked in a low voice, which sounded feeble.

"Yes. You can take a rest. I'll take care of the kids."

Even if she got something to do, she could not go out but had to accompany her sister since her sister was so sad.

"Ok. I have a coat in the pocket by the door, take it to the dry cleaner."

Winnie pointed to the paper bag at the door.


Vanessa readily agreed and then asked about Brian.

"Sister, Brian had been calling last night, and I turned off my phone in the end. He's worried about you. Would you like to call him back?"

Vanessa conveyed the worries of Brian to Winnie after a moment of thinking.

"I'll call him later."

Winnie gave a bitter smile. There was nothing about her to be worried. He just needed to deal with his thing.

"Sister, what is your plan?"

Vanessa had always wanted to ask this question, and had always wanted to persuade her sister to give up Brian. Life was so short, she should not only focus on one man.

Even if she had kids, she could not be indulged in Brian. Even if she had kids, she could not be so depressed.

"I'm not sure. I'll think about it later."

Winnie gave her answer.

She had not yet decided what to do. If she continued, she had to endure the pain. If she separated from Brian, she was sorry to her kids.

It was difficult to make decision. She did not want to have heartache and did not want kids had single parent.

"Think it over. I'll support you whatever you decide."

Vanessa did not push her. She knew that her sister was now in the most chaos, she needed time to think it over.

"Take a bath before you go to bed. It will make you feel better. I'll take the clothes away, and you can sleep and not worry about the kids. I'll go out and bring them down to play."

After Vanessa turned away, Winnie sighed.

Her stupid things made everyone worry. She felt her life was getting worse.

Instead of calling Brian immediately, Winnie got out of bed and went to the bathroom. She needed to take a shower and think if she should call Brian.

After taking a bath, she felt much better, but sleepy.

Winnie closed the curtains and lay down on the bed.

Holding the phone in her hand, she thought for a long time before she removed Brian out of the blacklist.

Winnie decided to call Brian.

"I've been drinking last night and I haven't got up yet. Vanessa is taking care of the kids."

Winnie told him about the situation before Brian said a word.

She felt that was all she could say at the moment.

"Did you drink too much? Do you have headache?"

Brian showed his concern. He felt more relieved as he heard the voice of Winnie.


Winnie gave a decisive answer.

Even if she had headache, it had nothing to do with Brian. There was no need to let him know.

"Winwin, yesterday..."

Brian wanted to explain, so that they could feel better, but Winnie didn't want to hear it. So she interrupted him when she heard the word “Yesterday”.


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