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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 571

Vanessa didn't understand what was going on, but when she heard that the owner was her father, she wanted to go home, feeling that it was her, as if her mom and dad were still alive.

"I don't know. I asked my friend to find out the information about the buyer. When I have it, I will contact him."

"Vanessa, even if it costs a lot, I want to buy back that villa, how do you think?"

Winnie told Vanessa about her idea and wanted to have Vanessa’s advice, because she was afraid Vanessa could not accept that memory.

"I have no objection. I agree to buy the villa back. There's a little bit of mom and dad there, a little bit of their smell. If we move back there, we won't be orphans."

Vanessa said with tears in eyes. She did not dare to recall the villa, did not dare to think of parents before. But now she wanted to, and dared to. Especially after her aunt left, especially after she moved to the dormitory alone, she felt lonely.

"If you agree, no matter how much it costs, I will buy it back."

Winnie understood the mood of Vanessa at the moment and knew that she missed her parents more than she did.

"Sister, if the money is not enough, we can sell this house. I can go to school by bus and subway, as long as we can move back."

Vanessa was so urgent that she even wanted to move back and go home right away.

"I bought this house after I sold your house, it is your house. Our parents got it for you. I have money and we can earn money from the game, so you don't have to worry about money. Just study hard and I'll buy it back."

Winnie didn't worry about money now. Even if she didn't have enough money, she could borrow it from Leo.

"Ok, I will study hard."

Vanessa knew she couldn't help. The only way she could help was to listen to her sister and study hard.

"Vanessa, don’t tell Brian about it. If he finds out, he will help me, I don't want to owe him anything, either money or favors."

Winnie had to tell Vanessa about it. She wanted to do it by herself and did not want Brian to help her.

She wanted to have a clear conscience without little guilty when she left him.

Vanessa was silent before she answered her sister.

"Don't worry, I won't tell him."

Vanessa knew sister's idea and knew that her sister was ready to leave Brian.

It seemed that her sister saw the truth, she clearly knew that it was impossible that she would be together with Brian. Her poor sister, she was so kind and diligent, why couldn’t she meet a man who would risk everything for her?

After lunch, the two sisters drove together to their old home.

As soon as she got off the car, Vanessa could not control her emotion.

"It hasn't changed at all. It's still my home."

Her voice was shaking and her eyes were blurring.

It was the first time she'd been back here in years, the first time she faced it.

"Sister, our home hasn't changed at all. If only mom and dad were still alive."

Bravely she mentioned her parents, but she could not control her tears.

It was her memories, her parents’ memories in this villa. It was not as clean and tidy as before, but the memories were clear and the warm feeling was still fresh.

"No, it hasn’t changed at all."

Winnie said sadly. She did not comfort Vanessa. On the contrary, she wanted Vanessa to cry, to recall the past. Only in this way could she broaden her mind, and her chances of relapse would be much smaller.

"Sister, no matter how much it takes, buy this house back. This is our real home."

Vanessa could not control her tears. She secretly vowed that even if her sister could not buy back this villa, she would work hard to buy it back in the future.

"Rest assured, I certainly will buy it back."

Winnie's will was stronger than Vanessa's, and she wanted more to buy back the villa when she knew the owner was still her father.

The current buyer had not transferred ownership, for them, it was good news. No one lived in there, so that the buyer might not want to keep it.

It was all arranged by god so that one day she would be able to buy the house back.

Vanessa walked close to the villa, holding the iron door, and looked inside. The inside of the villa was invisible, but she could take a glimpse of what it used to look like. Weeds were all over the yard. It looked like the buyer hadn't lived in the house since he bought it.

"Sister, I have a lot of gifts, a lot of things I have used in it. I wonder if all that stuff is inside."

Vanessa said. She came here because she missed her parents and missed those things she liked.

"I think so. I came to pack them up. I put our things in cardboard boxes and put them in the next garage."

"If no one lived here, I'm sure those things would still be there."

Winnie was not willing to throw away those things. Her parents had died, if those things were thrown away, they had nothing left.

"Really? If they were still here, can we get them out?"


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