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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 59

Winnie looked Megan’s wronged face, feeling heart in pain.

"Megan, do you like Uncle?"

Winnie asked in a low voice.

"Yes, like Daddy. People say Daddy is the big tree behind kids. I think Uncle is the big tree behind me."

Megan answered Winnie positively. But it made Winnie remorse.

Brian over the phone felt warm but helpless to hear that.

"Megan, don't rely on uncle so much. Uncle can't be your Daddy even if I explain to him. Uncle and Mommy are two parallel lines that will never meet."

Winnie took this opportunity to eliminate Megan's dependence on Brian, otherwise she would get hurt someday

"Uncle is so excellent with high status, and his interpersonal relations are top level. We are not in the same world, and we can’t be together."

"But Mommy, you are good too..."

Megan continued. Although she did not understand what Mommy said, she knew that Mommy was good and kind and worth to stay with uncle.

"Megan, let me finish."

Winnie gently interrupted Megan, and then continued.

"I know you need a Daddy, but it can’t be Uncle. Daddy has to live with Mommy. Only when we love each other, we can spend this life together. But Uncle has a wife and he doesn't like mr, so I can be with Uncle."

"Mommy, you can love him."

Megan said innocently. Winnie once again froze and Brian over the phone unconsciously held breath. He was looking forward to hear what Winnie would say.

For a moment.

"Megan, love is mutual, and Mammy's love alone will not work. Megan, give me some time. If I can find the right man, I will give you a family and a Daddy."

Winnie could only appease the child for the time being. She did not know if that man existed. Even if he did, it seemed that she was not qualified to love.

"Ok, I'll give you time."

Megan agreed reluctantly, but she still liked Uncle more. She did not know if the man Mommy met in the future would be better than Uncle.

"Megan. If you meet Uncle again, don’t mention it to him or embarrass him."

Winnie continued.

"Ok, I see."

Megan agreed, but she wasn't sure if she could keep her mouth shut.


She thought this conversation would be over and everyone could eat. However, Luke spoke.

"Auntie, Megan can't rely on Daddy, but can I rely on you?"

Luke asked in a low voice with worry.

"Yes, you can rely on me forever."

With a kind smile on her face, Winnie replied. She didn't need a man in her life, as long as the two children were with her.

"But if you have a boyfriend, and Megan has a Daddy, what should I do?"

Luke was still worried that he had to leave Winnie. He was afraid Winnie did not like him anymore.

"Luke, even if I have a boyfriend, I will take you as long as you like."

Winnie answered sincerely to eliminate Luke's concerns. No matter what, she would never send Luke back to Penny.

"But I can't live without Daddy, and I can't live without you."

Luke's words stunned Winnie.

Both children had varying degrees of attachment to both adults, and it should be hard-wired, which was not easy to disconnect.

She could protect Luke for a lifetime, but if she did so, she had to face Brian and Penny for a lifetime. It was not easy for Winnie.

"Well, don't say anything. We'll find a way. Eat and then we do homework."

Winnie deflected the conversation to prevent the two children from further depression.

Brian's departure affected not only her. The two children were immersed in the confusion and missing.

Brian's finally hung up the phone. Thinking about the conversation, he felt upset.

No matter why, no matter when, he could not become Megan’s father as Winnie said. However, Megan’s wronged voice made him feel distressed.

Megan was yearning to have a Daddy. Winnie would marry a man for her. But why did he feel difficulty in breathing as he thought of that?

Winnie went to work and lived a quiet life as usual every day. Brian called to talk to Luke every day. When she found it was Brian's call, she would give the phone directly to Luke.

It had been only a week, but she felt it was longer than a year.

When she arrived in the company, Winnie had something to discuss with Brian, so she came to the secretary office.

"Klara, isn't Mr. Bennet at work yet?"

He should be fine in a week, Winnie thought.

"Yes, he has been at work for five days. What is it, Winnie?"


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