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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 596

What Wendy was about to say should be a happy event, but she didn't even smile.

"It was Brian. Brian broke up with Winnie."

"Really? They broke up?"

Zoe was excited about the news with her eyes wide open, feeling incredible.

"Of course, why I lie to you?"

Wendy responded, but her attitude caught her mother's attention.

"Why are you so depressed? You should be happy they broke up?"

"Yes, but I can't stay with Brian. I can’t be happy."

Hearing what Zoe said, Wendy got more upset. She did not want that, but Winnie was too vicious to deal with.

"What's the matter? Why can't you be together?"

Zoe became nervous and asked Wendy.

So Wendy told her mother about the situation.

"Winnie knows you were married?"

Zoe was panicked. She had been making it secret that Wendy got married and a daughter, but now Winnie knew it, which was quite terrible.

"She can find out not only about my marriage, but also the other things I've done."

Wendy felt depressed, what she had done was like a favor to Winnie, she did not want that, but there was nothing she could do.

"How can she be so awesome? She is not a policewoman, why can she check your information?"

Zoe was unconvinced. The police could not even check the foreign affairs, so she did not believe that Winnie could make it.

"Mom, she is a skillful hacker, as long as she enters the household registration system, she can find out all my information. And she has access to phone records and all the surveillance equipment. She is more skillful than a policeman."

Wendy now realized that Winnie’s hacker skill was superior and by that, she could find out anything. Winnie could check out what she had done in all years.

"It's illegal to enter the state system. We can sue her."

Zeo didn’t know what a hacker was, nor did she realize how powerful it was.

"It's no use. She can erase everything. There's no evidence."

Wendy had thought of that way, but she remembered that Winnie's ability Klara told her, so she gave up.

“I just want you to help me figure out what I can do to be with Brian. Mom, this is a rare opportunity."

"Now you want me to help you. Why didn't you listen to me when I told you not to marry Jonny? Jonny is no match for Brian. You think love is the most important, but what do you get?"

"I have been telling you that money is the most important thing and that Brian is the only one who can give you money, but instead of listening to me, you secretly got married with Jonny."

"Now you know that Jonny is bad. You know that Brian can give you everything you want. But, do you think Brian will wait for you forever?"

Zoe had no way out. She was angry that Wendy could do nothing about Winnie, so she could only vent her angry on Wendy and she mentioned what happened years ago.

"Mom, it's no use to talk about that now. Do you think I would have let go of Brian if I had known what was going on?”

"Mom, help me, if Brian marries Gloria, what I have done will be in vain."

Wendy knew she was wrong, but time could not flow back, and she could not change anything.

"What can you do, what can you do, how do I know what you can do? Do we have to kill Winnie to shut her mouth forever?"

Zoe felt terrible after she said that, but she was just saying, She desperately wanted Brian to become her son-in-law, but she still had reason.

Even if she put Winnie to death, Gloria was a barrier. Gloria had a powerful family and she would not be easy to deal with.

"What should I do? I don’t want to miss this opportunity."

Wendy would not sacrifice Winnie's life for her own happiness.

"I don't know."

Zoe was now at a loss. Since Wendy's past had been found, she felt ashamed to see Brian, not to mention made Brian her son-in-law.

"Why don't you try to get some money from him before he knows it? As for him, you’d better give up.”

There were too many difficulties, and Zoe did not have hope. Even if Winnie could be got rid of, Flexi would not accept Wendy since she had been married.

It was impossible, even in a dream.

"Give up? If I can give up, I don’t need to take efforts to deal with Winnie. Didn't you back me up?"

Wendy contradicted. If she was willing to give up, Winnie and Brian would not break up and she would not become a bad man.

"It is different now, who can expect that Winnie would find out your secret. Wendy, if Brian finds it out, he will not only deny you a penny, but also hold you responsible for everything. Now Winnie has given you a chance, I think you should seize it."

Zoe was rational at the moment. She was better off asking for more money than to have Brian as her son-in-law, which was a long shot. She wanted to help her daughter, but that the situation was so bad that she could not cope with, so she had to settle for second best.

"Mom, don't worry about money. I have a way to get money. Mom, do you think it's okay to call Jonny to deal with Winnie?"


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