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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 598

Winnie insisted on sending Vanessa back. Even if it was a short distance, she would be worried about Vanessa.

"I'll walk with you. I'm just going for a walk."

After Vanessa was sent to school, Winnie walked home alone. It was cloudy today, and the weather was not too hot, so Winnie slowed down her pace and enjoyed it slowly.

She had not been so relaxed for a long time and had not been leisurely walking on the road for a long time. It felt comfortable.

Although she was lonely, it was right that she separated from Brian, otherwise she would never have a free time in her life.

Brian once again occurred to her mind. Why did he kept being in her mind again and again?

Winnie gave a self-deprecating smile. It was her should be blamed, because she did not have a strong will to get him over.

As she walked along, she suddenly remembered that she had to make a call and she took out the phone.

"Rufus, it's Winwin. How are you these days? Are the kids good?"

From Winnie left the suburbs, this was the first time she called Rufus. Winnie was grateful to him actually.

Rufus had been very kind to both her and her sister, and she felt sorry to leave so suddenly. But she had broken up with Brian, if she continued to live there, it would be embarrassing.

"The kids are good, and I am doing ok. Winwin, why haven’t you been back these days? I have treated you and Vanessa as my daughters and you are always welcome in our home."

Rufus said sincerely.

Although Winnie and Vanessa had not been in his home for a long time, Rufus had been used to their existence and had regarded them as his families.

Their sudden departure was a kind of loss for Rufus, who could not adapt to it.

"Thank you, Rufus. I have been busy these days. I'll visit you when I am available. Rufus, thank you for treating Vanessa and me as your own daughters. Your kindness to Vanessa and me will never be forgotten."

"Even if I have nothing to do with Brian, you will still be my family."

Winnie felt sad about it.

All of this could have been avoided, but everyone was selfish and no one thought for anyone else. If they could bear it, if they thought of the old and the kids, this kind of separation and sadness would not have happened.

"It's nice if you say so. Come and see me when you have time. I will cook for you."

Rufus knew Winnie had been busy recently, but Brian was the reason. She did not come to his home because of Brian, after all, she would take some time to heal her heart.

"I will. Rufus, I'm calling to tell you I'm picking up the kids this Friday. My aunt will come back on Friday and I want to take the kids and Vanessa to the airport to pick her up."

Winnie said the main purpose of the call.

“Your aunt will be back?”

Rufus asked with surprise, he did not know that Isobel is going back.

"Yes, she will be back on Friday. She has missed the kids for so long. I want them to stay with her on Saturday and Sunday."

Winnie did not detect Rufus’ tone of surprise.

"Ok, pick up the kids on Friday then. It's been a long time they did meet, let the kids spend time with your aunt."

Rufus had mixed feelings in his heart, because Isobel would leave soon and it would be risky. If she could not come back, he would have his regret till he was death.

When Brian came back from work, two kids were upstairs in his room.

"Why are you still up? Don't you have to go to kindergarten tomorrow?"

He asked his two kids as he undressed.

"We are waiting for you to come back. We want to talk to you before we go to bed."

Megan stood up and went to the bedside. As she spoke, Brian came to her, and then Megan lovely opened arms for his hug.

"Dad, give me a hug, you haven’t hugged me in days."

Brian looked at their innocent and lovely appearance. Though he was tired, he would like to give them a warm embrace.

"My baby girl, I have been too busy these days to hug you."

Brian realized the sad feeling that if the kids lived in the single-parent environment. The would not be happy, and their childhood would be gloomy.

"You're both busy, and Mom's busy these days, she don’t even come back to sleep. My sister and I just want to sleep with you, but Mom always said she can't come back until she finishes her work."

Luke also stood on the bed, watching his father holding his sister. He missed his mother's arms too. It was one of his few complaints, and he didn't want to complain as a man, but lately Mom and Dad didn't go to work together or leave together. The situation worried him.

"Mom is really busy, and when she finishes her work, I will ask her to come back."

Listening to the kids' words, Brian had heartache. He didn’t want to worry them, but he did not know what to do. He had no idea why it would end up like this.

"Mom was busy, but she went home every day, but she did not come back these days. Dad, did you and mom have a fight?"

Megan left Brian's embrace, looking at Brian, puzzled.

She sensed something was wrong, but she did not know exactly what was wrong.

Brian was speechless and did not know how to answer the question of Megan. Looking at the naive and expectant eyes of the two kids, he did not know whether to deceive them or tell the truth.


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