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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 614

Penny once again took advantage of Oscar's kindness. She knew it was wrong, but it was the only way to see her half sisters and brothers.

"I'll help you with that. It is right that you think so, when all misunderstandings are removed, you can feel the warmth of family."

Oscar was pleased about Penny's change. If she had better relationship with her family, her mood would be much better, and it would have a great help of her illness.

"That's what I think. Oscar, thank you for helping me."

Penny saw hope. She had been out of so many days, but she could do nothing, so she was restless.

"You are welcome. Don’t worry, I can persuade them to come."

Oscar was determined to ask her brothers and sisters to come for the sake of Penny's illness, so that she would not have regret in the rest of her life.

"Ok, I'll wait for your good news. By the way, how's Daenerys and others?"

Penny changed the subject.

"Good, Daenerys is the happiest of us all. Her husband is capable, and their parents and parents-in-law have good jobs, who do not weigh them down at all. They love each other, and her husband spoils her like a child. Do you think she's happy?"

Speaking of Daenerys, Oscar felt gratified. Her life was perfect and she was happy.

"Alas...... Now I most envy a plain and happy life. Oscar, I thought a lot in prison. If I had been satisfied with the status quo, if I had not been so ambitious, I could be as happy as Daenerys now."

Penny did mean it. If time was back to the time when she just met Leo, she had no regrets. Leo was a good man and he spoiled her.

But she lost him and came to this end.

However, she never regretted it, because she meant to compete with Winnie and must defeat Winnie

"You are right. No need envy others. Get married when you are out and you can have a happy and satisfactory life."

Oscar was gratified that Penny though so.

"Yeah, I hope so."

"How is Leo?"

Penny continued.

"Leo is good, his business develops rapidly, but he has setback in relationship. He quarreled with his girlfriend recently and has not got forgiveness yet, but I think they'll get back together."

Oscar smiled as he spoke, and the topics lifted his mood.

"Good. I feel indebted to Leo. I am glad that he is good."

"How is Winnie? Is she good?"

Finally she spoke of Winnie. The other two were foreshadowing, and she just wanted to know how Winnie was going.

Since Wendy stopped contacting her, she knew nothing about Winnie, but she prayed that Winnie had a suffering life.

“Well… she is good in career. She has been working hard and had brought herself and the company much profit. Her company has cooperation with the Bennet Group and she was sent to work in the Bennet Group. She works in the same office that she used to work in. She has good performance at work, but…”

“But what?”

Penney asked nervously.

“She broke up with Brian, but I don’t know why, I think Gloria is the reason.”

Oscar did not say in details, but Penny was pleased to hear that.

She believed that it was true and that Brian and Winnie had broken up because of Gloria. But she could not show that she was pleased, or the conservation would come to an end.

“Gloria, that model?”

“Yes, it is said that she has a powerful background.”

Oscar did not know Gloria and he heard it from Emily.

“I know her. She tried to break me up with Brian. She is a simpler person and she has not given up on Brian.”

Penny said, pretending that she hated Gloria.

“You know her?”

Oscar did not know much about Gloria and he believed that Emily and Daenerys did not know about what Penny said.


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